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Hours: 79.50

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
04/17/2018 Daniel Curtis Development Support #933: Virtualize Arch Linux ARM on x86_64 Arch Linux Setup, document and troubleshoot Virtualize Arch Linux ARM on x86_64 Arch Linux 2.00 Actions
04/08/2018 Daniel Curtis Development Support #929: Emulate Raspberry Pi OS on x86_64 Arch Linux Setup, document and troubleshoot Virtualize Raspbian on x86_64 Arch Linux 3.00 Actions
04/08/2018 Daniel Curtis Development Support #928: Setup ARM Cross-Compiling Environment on Arch Linux Setup ARM Cross-Compiling Environment on Arch Linux 1.00 Actions
01/02/2018 william carinio Documentation Support #728: Using Motion To Stream a Webcam with a Raspberry Pi on Arch 1.00 Actions
06/28/2017 Daniel Curtis Development Support #902: Build a Raspberry Pi Arch Linux Docker Image Setup, troubleshoot and document Build a Raspberry Pi Arch Linux Docker Image 1.00 Actions
06/06/2017 Daniel Curtis Development Support #898: Install PiCluster on Arch Linux ARM Setup, troubleshoot and document Install PiCluster on Arch Linux ARM 1.00 Actions
09/05/2016 Daniel Curtis Development Support #728: Using Motion To Stream a Webcam with a Raspberry Pi on Arch Using Motion To Stream a Webcam with a Raspberry Pi on Arch; updated content, fiddle around with resolutions and frame rates to increase stream playback 1.00 Actions
06/05/2016 Daniel Curtis Development Support #813: Setup a Raspberry Pi as a Wireless Access Point/Router on Arch Setup, troubleshoot, and document Setup a Raspberry Pi as a Wireless Access Point/Router on Arch; refactor existing code base to support Arch 3.50 Actions
05/23/2016 Daniel Curtis Development Support #813: Setup a Raspberry Pi as a Wireless Access Point/Router on Arch Setup, troubleshoot, and document Setup a Raspberry Pi as a Wireless Access Point/Router on Arch 1.00 Actions
05/13/2016 Daniel Curtis Development Support #806: Install Kodi on a Raspberry Pi 3 Running Arch Linux Setup, troubleshoot, and document Install Kodi on a Raspberry Pi 2 Running Arch Linux; finish assembling components for on-board media center for dynaquest 1.00 Actions
05/10/2016 Daniel Curtis Development Support #806: Install Kodi on a Raspberry Pi 3 Running Arch Linux Setup, troubleshoot, and document Install Kodi on a Raspberry Pi 2 Running Arch Linux 2.00 Actions
05/10/2016 Daniel Curtis Development Support #682: Installing Arch Linux on a Raspberry Pi 2 Install Arch on raspberry pi 2 for testing as on-board media center for dynaquest 0.50 Actions
02/05/2016 Daniel Curtis Development Support #728: Using Motion To Stream a Webcam with a Raspberry Pi on Arch Setup, troubleshoot, and document Using Motion To Stream a Webcam with a Raspberry Pi on Arch; added DNS records for cam1, cam2, and cam3 0.50 Actions
02/05/2016 Daniel Curtis Development Support #728: Using Motion To Stream a Webcam with a Raspberry Pi on Arch Setup, troubleshoot, and document Using Motion To Stream a Webcam with a Raspberry Pi on Arch; added nginx proxy section 0.50 Actions
01/20/2016 Daniel Curtis Development Support #728: Using Motion To Stream a Webcam with a Raspberry Pi on Arch Setup, troubleshoot, and documented Using Motion To Stream a Webcam with a Raspberry Pi on Arch; setup working network stream using a webcam 1.00 Actions
01/19/2016 Daniel Curtis Development Support #728: Using Motion To Stream a Webcam with a Raspberry Pi on Arch Research, troubleshoot, and test webcam streaming using Raspberry Pi; got a working image, but stream is choppy and unusable 2.00 Actions
10/29/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #687: Compile a New Kernel for Arch On Raspberry Pi Setup, troubleshoot, and document Compile a New Kernel for Arch On Raspberry Pi 1.50 Actions
10/27/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #686: Compiling Kernel Modules on Raspbian Setup, troubleshoot, and document Compiling a Kernel Module on Raspbian 1.00 Actions
10/22/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #684: Install ZFS for Arch Linux on a Raspberry Pi 2 Setup, troubleshoot, and document Installing ZFS for Arch Linux on a Raspberry Pi 2; setup failover environment for ALT Web Services 1.50 Actions
10/22/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #684: Install ZFS for Arch Linux on a Raspberry Pi 2 Setup, troubleshoot, and document Installing ZFS for Arch Linux on a Raspberry Pi 2 1.50 Actions
10/22/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #682: Installing Arch Linux on a Raspberry Pi 2 Setup, troubleshoot, and document Installing Arch Linux on a Raspberry Pi 2 1.50 Actions
08/13/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #515: Installing Arch Linux on a Raspberry Pi Documented and troubleshoot Installing Arch Linux on a Raspberry Pi; cleaned up content, showed Willy install process. 1.00 Actions
05/05/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #576: Creating Linux Containers on Arch Linux for Raspberry Pi Setup, document, and troubleshoot Creating Linux Containers on Arch Linux for Raspberry Pi; updated content with NAT bridge setup 1.50 Actions
05/04/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #610: Network Shared Printer With a Raspberry Pi on Arch Setup, document, and troubleshoot Network Shared Printer With a Raspberry Pi on Arch; added dymo content 0.50 Actions
05/04/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #610: Network Shared Printer With a Raspberry Pi on Arch Setup, document, and troubleshoot Network Shared Printer With a Raspberry Pi on Arch 1.50 Actions
(1-25/51) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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