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Hours: 4200.00

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
FreeBSD Administration 06/15/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #436: Installing Diaspora* on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Installing Diaspora* on FreeBSD 3.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 06/15/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #436: Installing Diaspora* on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Installing Diaspora* on FreeBSD 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 06/09/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #622: Setup a Nginx, PostgreSQL, PHP 5.6 Web Server on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Setup a FreeBSD, Nginx, PostgreSQL, PHP 5.6 Web Server; migrated web services, and cleaned up content 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 06/09/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #624: Install GitLab 7.11 on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install GitLab 7.11 on FreeBSD 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 06/08/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #622: Setup a Nginx, PostgreSQL, PHP 5.6 Web Server on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Setup a FreeBSD, Nginx, PostgreSQL, PHP 5.6 Web Server 3.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 05/09/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #607: Install Odoo 8 on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install Odoo on FreeBSD; finished openerpd rc.d script 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 05/07/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #607: Install Odoo 8 on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install Odoo on FreeBSD; hacked together a functioning openerpd rc script 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 05/07/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #607: Install Odoo 8 on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install Odoo on FreeBSD 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 05/07/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #607: Install Odoo 8 on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install Odoo on FreeBSD; finished hunting for dependencies 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 05/06/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #607: Install Odoo 8 on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install Odoo on FreeBSD 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 05/06/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #606: Install PostgreSQL 9.4 on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install PostgreSQL 9.4 on FreeBSD 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 05/04/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #613: Install a TOR Hidden Service on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install a TOR Hidden Service on FreeBSD 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 05/03/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #436: Installing Diaspora* on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Installing Diaspora* on FreeBSD; updated content to use ports tree 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 05/03/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #613: Install a TOR Hidden Service on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install a TOR Hidden Service 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 04/20/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #537: Install a Mail Server With iRedMail 0.9.0 on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshootInstall a Mail Server With iRedMail 0.9.0 on FreeBSD; updated getmail script 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 04/16/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #433: Setup a FreeBSD, Nginx, MariaDB 5.5, PHP5 Web Server Setup, document, and troubleshoot Setting Up A FreeBSD, Nginx, MariaDB 5.5, PHP5 Server; updated content 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 04/14/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #433: Setup a FreeBSD, Nginx, MariaDB 5.5, PHP5 Web Server Setup, document, and troubleshoot Setting Up A FreeBSD, Nginx, MariaDB 5.5, PHP5 Server; updated content to portmaster 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 04/13/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #596: Install GitLab CI on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install GitLab CI on FreeBSD 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 04/12/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #561: Install mod_security for Apache 2.4 on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install mod_security for Apache 2.4 on FreeBSD; added webekci install 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 04/09/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #541: Install Snort, Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby With Nginx on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install Snort, Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby With Nginx on FreeBSD; migrated servers, rebuild node 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 04/06/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #559: Install an OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install an OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD; switched content to use portmaster 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 04/06/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #414: Install an ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Stack on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install an ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana (ELK) Stack on FreeBSD; setup new log server 3.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 04/01/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Feature #588: pfSense DMZ Trap Door Rule Setup, document, and troubleshoot pfSense DMZ Trap Door Rule; tested rule 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/31/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #587: Install VSFTPD on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install VSFTPD on FreeBSD; setup initial server, troubleshoot permission problems 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/31/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #587: Install VSFTPD on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install VSFTPD on FreeBSD 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/31/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Feature #588: pfSense DMZ Trap Door Rule Setup, document, and troubleshoot pfSense DMZ Trap Door Rule 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/26/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #541: Install Snort, Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby With Nginx on FreeBSD Documented, troubleshoot and setup Install Snort, Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby With Nginx on FreeBSD; switched to portmaster 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/25/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #585: Migrating a BIND Master Zone Using Webmin Documented, troubleshoot and setup Migrating a BIND Master Zone Using Webmin 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/25/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #584: Install GitLab 7.8 on FreeBSD Documented, troubleshoot and setup Install GitLab 7.8 on FreeBSD 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/24/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #432: Install A FreeBSD, Apache 2.4, MariaDB 5.5, PHP 5 (FAMP) Server Documented, troubleshoot and setup Install A FreeBSD, Apache 2.4, MariaDB 5.5, PHP 5 (FAMP) Server; added sections for worker modules 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/22/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #432: Install A FreeBSD, Apache 2.4, MariaDB 5.5, PHP 5 (FAMP) Server Documented, troubleshoot and setup Install A FreeBSD, Apache 2.4, MariaDB 5.5, PHP 5 (FAMP) Server; reworked content to use portmaster 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/20/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #543: Install a Puppet Master, Puppet Dashboard and Nagios Server with Nginx on FreeBSD Documented, troubleshoot and setup Install a Puppet Master, Puppet Dashboard and Nagios Server with Nginx on FreeBSD; reinstalled admin node, cleaned up content 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/17/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #535: Install Prosody XMPP Server on FreeBSD Documented, troubleshoot and setup Install Prosody XMPP Server on FreeBSD; added 3rd party module section 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/11/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #564: Install Fail2ban on FreeBSD Documented, troubleshoot and setup Install Fail2ban on FreeBSD 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/11/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #561: Install mod_security for Apache 2.4 on FreeBSD Documented, troubleshoot and setup mod_security for Apache 2.4 on FreeBSD 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/11/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #562: Install mod_evasive for Apache 2.4 on FreeBSD Documented, troubleshoot and setup mod_evasive for Apache 2.4 on FreeBSD; setup in production environment 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/09/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #580: Rotating Log Files With Logrotate and Rotatelogs on FreeBSD Documented, troubleshoot and setup Rotating Log Files With Logrotate on FreeBSD 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/08/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #580: Rotating Log Files With Logrotate and Rotatelogs on FreeBSD Documented and setup Rotating Log Files With Logrotate on FreeBSD 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 03/07/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #578: Install NTP on FreeBSD Documented, troubleshoot and setup Install NTP on FreeBSD 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/27/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #560: Hardening Apache 2.4 & PHP 5 on FreeBSD Documented, troubleshoot and setup Hardening Apache 2.4 & PHP 5 on FreeBSD; cleaned up content 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/25/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #436: Installing Diaspora* on FreeBSD Setup, troubleshoot, and documented Installing Diaspora* on FreeBSD; added section for hosting with nginx and passenger 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/25/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #436: Installing Diaspora* on FreeBSD Documented and setup Installing Diaspora* on FreeBSD 3.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/19/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #565: Install -HabitRPG- Habitica on FreeBSD Documented and setup Setting Up A Self-Hosted HabitRPG Instance on FreeBSD 3.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/17/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #559: Install an OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD Documented and setup Installing OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD; setup production environment 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/17/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #559: Install an OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD Documented and setup Installing OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD; added section for client installation 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/16/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #563: Install OPNsense on an APU1D4 Document and setup Installing OPNsense on an APU1D4 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/14/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #559: Install an OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD Documented and setup Installing OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD; added analogi setup and client key generation 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/14/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #557: Install BeansBooks on FreeBSD FAMP Server Documented and setup Installing BeansBooks on FreeBSD; added ssl 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/14/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #559: Install an OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD Documented setup, and troublshoot Installing OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD; setup database and web ui 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/13/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #559: Install an OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD Documented setup, and troublshoot Installing OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD; finished installing ossec server 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/13/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #559: Install an OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD Documented setup, and troublshoot Installing OSSEC Server, Client, Web UI and Analogi Dashboard on FreeBSD 3.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/10/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #432: Install A FreeBSD, Apache 2.4, MariaDB 5.5, PHP 5 (FAMP) Server Setup and document Setting Up A FreeBSD, Apache 2.4, MariaDB 5.5, PHP 5 (FAMP) Server; added content for SSL 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/10/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #557: Install BeansBooks on FreeBSD FAMP Server Setup and document Installing BeansBooks on FreeBSD 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/08/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #541: Install Snort, Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby With Nginx on FreeBSD Documented and setup Installing Snort, Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby With Nginx on FreeBSD; fixed pulledpork and snorby worker scripts 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/03/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #549: Setting Up Trytond on FreeBSD Setup, documented, and troubleshoot Setting Up Trytond on FreeBSD 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/03/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #543: Install a Puppet Master, Puppet Dashboard and Nagios Server with Nginx on FreeBSD Setup, documented, and troubleshoot Setting Up a Puppet Master, Puppet Dashboard, Nagios, Nginx Administration Server; cleaned up content 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/03/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #541: Install Snort, Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby With Nginx on FreeBSD Setup, documented, and troubleshoot Installing Snort, Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby With Nginx on FreeBSD; added worker script 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 02/01/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #541: Install Snort, Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby With Nginx on FreeBSD Setup, documented, and troubleshoot Installing Snort, Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby With Nginx on FreeBSD; setup nginx 3.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 01/31/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #541: Install Snort, Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby With Nginx on FreeBSD Setup, documented, and troubleshoot Installing Snort, Barnyard2, PulledPork, and Snorby With Nginx on FreeBSD 4.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 01/25/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #543: Install a Puppet Master, Puppet Dashboard and Nagios Server with Nginx on FreeBSD Setup, documented, and troubleshoot Setting Up a Puppet Master, Puppet Dashboard, Nagios, Nginx Administration Server 4.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 01/23/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #539: Installing Ejabberd XMPP Server on FreeBSD Setup and document Installing Ejabberd XMPP Server on FreeBSD; initial setup 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 01/22/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #535: Install Prosody XMPP Server on FreeBSD Setup and document Installing Prosody XMPP Server on FreeBSD; added BOSH config 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 01/21/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #537: Install a Mail Server With iRedMail 0.9.0 on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Installing iRedMail 0.9.0 Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 01/21/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Bug #533: Problem Installing pfSense Failed With a Return Code of 1 Troubleshoot and document Problem Installing pfSense Failed With a Return Code of 1 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 01/20/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #535: Install Prosody XMPP Server on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Installing Prosody XMPP Server on FreeBSD 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 01/18/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #535: Install Prosody XMPP Server on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Installing Prosody XMPP Server on FreeBSD 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 01/15/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #437: Install an ElasticSearch, Fluentd, Kibana Stack on FreeBSD Setup, document, and troubleshoot Installing an ElasticSearch, Fluentd, Kibana Stack on FreeBSD; added FreeBSD log exporting 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 01/12/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #532: Installing GitLab 7.6 on FreeBSD Setup and document Installing GitLab 7.6 on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE 3.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 12/26/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #437: Install an ElasticSearch, Fluentd, Kibana Stack on FreeBSD Documented and installed Installing an ElasticSearch, Fluentd, Kibana Stack on FreeBSD; updated content 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 12/26/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #474: Installing iRedMail 0.8.7 Mail Server on FreeBSD Documented and installed Installing iRedMail Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2; finished setting up new server 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 12/26/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #474: Installing iRedMail 0.8.7 Mail Server on FreeBSD Documented and installed Installing iRedMail Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2; added steps to install latest development version 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 12/21/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #508: Migrating FreeNAS Jails Documented and troubleshoot Migrating FreeNAS Jails 4.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 12/18/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #496: Installing Redis Server and PHP/Ruby Caching Documented Installing Redis Server and PHP/Ruby Caching 1.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 12/18/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #484: Installing BIND 9 on FreeBSD Documented and installed Installing BIND 9 on FreeBSD 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 12/13/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #380: Installing A MariaDB Galera Node in a FreeNAS Jail Documented Installing A MariaDB Galera Node in a FreeNAS Jail; completed compilation process 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 12/13/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #380: Installing A MariaDB Galera Node in a FreeNAS Jail Documented Installing A MariaDB Galera Node in a FreeNAS Jail 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 12/12/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #475: Using Getmail on FreeBSD Documented and troubleshoot Using Getmail on FreeBSD 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 12/12/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #433: Setup a FreeBSD, Nginx, MariaDB 5.5, PHP5 Web Server Documented Setting Up A FreeBSD, Nginx, MariaDB 5.5, PHP 5 Web Server Stack; corrected content errors 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 12/11/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #380: Installing A MariaDB Galera Node in a FreeNAS Jail Documented Installing A MariaDB Galera Node in a FreeNAS Jail; modified content 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 11/18/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #479: Installing NoIP Client on FreeBSD Documented Install and Setup NoIP Client on FreeBSD 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 11/12/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #474: Installing iRedMail 0.8.7 Mail Server on FreeBSD Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing iRedMail Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2; added getmail usage 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 11/12/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #474: Installing iRedMail 0.8.7 Mail Server on FreeBSD Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing iRedMail Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2; initial setup 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 11/04/2014 Daniel Curtis Development #463 Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing A Postfix/Dovecot Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE; reordered content, created new jail 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 10/24/2014 Daniel Curtis Development #463 Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing A Postfix/Dovecot Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE; moderate content corrections and additions 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 10/20/2014 Daniel Curtis Development #463 Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing A Postfix/Dovecot Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE; fixed package management consistency 0.50 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 10/17/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #432: Install A FreeBSD, Apache 2.4, MariaDB 5.5, PHP 5 (FAMP) Server Document and troubleshoot Setting Up A FreeBSD, Apache 2.4, MariaDB 5.5, PHP 5 (FAMP) Server; fixed a couple of configs 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 09/28/2014 Daniel Curtis Development #463 Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing A Postfix/Dovecot Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE; finished setting up postgrey and finished first testing server 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 09/28/2014 Daniel Curtis Development #463 Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing A Postfix/Dovecot Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE; finished setting up amavisd 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 09/27/2014 Daniel Curtis Development #463 Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing A Postfix/Dovecot Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE; finish initial documentation 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 09/25/2014 Daniel Curtis Development #463 Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing A Postfix/Dovecot Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE; setup amavisd configurations 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 09/24/2014 Daniel Curtis Development #463 Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing A Postfix/Dovecot Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE; setup postfix 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 09/24/2014 Daniel Curtis Development #463 Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing A Postfix/Dovecot Mail Server on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE; setup initial configurations 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 09/23/2014 Daniel Curtis Development #463 Document, setup, and troubleshoot 5.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 09/22/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #461: Installing GitLab 7.2 on FreeBSD Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing GitLab 7.2 on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE; migrated previous repository 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 09/22/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #461: Installing GitLab 7.2 on FreeBSD Document, setup, and troubleshoot Installing GitLab 7.2 on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE; setup apache24 environment 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 08/29/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #443: Installing Varnish For Load Balancing on FreeBSD Setup, troubleshoot, and documented Installing Varnish For Load Balancing on FreeBSD 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 08/28/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #436: Installing Diaspora* on FreeBSD Setup, troubleshoot, and documented Installing Diaspora* on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 08/26/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #433: Setup a FreeBSD, Nginx, MariaDB 5.5, PHP5 Web Server Setup, troubleshoot, and documented Setting Up A FreeBSD, Nginx, MariaDB 5.5, PHP 5 Web Server Stack; documented hardening nginx with SSL 2.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 08/14/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #437: Install an ElasticSearch, Fluentd, Kibana Stack on FreeBSD Setup, troubleshoot, and documentded Installing A ElasticSearch, Fluentd, Kibana Stack on FreeBSD 1.00 Actions
FreeBSD Administration 08/13/2014 Daniel Curtis Development Support #437: Install an ElasticSearch, Fluentd, Kibana Stack on FreeBSD Setup, troubleshoot, and documentded Installing A ElasticSearch, Fluentd, Kibana Stack on FreeBSD 8.00 Actions
(401-500/1944) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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