Support #804
Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 9 years ago
This is a guide on setting up Zimbra 9 from source on FreeBSD 10. *+WARNING+*: As of writing this guide ZCS 9 is still in beta and I will be pulling the latest code from Zimbra straight from the tap. Your mileage may vary. h2. Prepare the Environment * Make sure the system is up to date and refresh the ports tree: <pre> pkg update && pkg upgrade portsnap fetch extract </pre> * Install a few dependencies: <pre> pkg install git maven3 screen libmemcached apache-solr </pre> * Create a zimbra group: <pre> pw add group zimbra </pre> * Create a zimbra user: <pre> pw add user -n zimbra -m -s /sbin/nologin -c "Zimbra" </pre> h2. Build the Zimbra from source: * Since downloading the source code takes a long time depending on the internet connection used, using screen or tmux will help: <pre> screen </pre> * Download the current release of Zimbra: <pre> mkdir ~/git cd ~/git git clone -b origin/HEAD </pre> #* *NOTE*: This took around 14GB of storage, so be forewarned. #* *NOTE*: Use @CTRL+D@ and then @D@ to detach the screen session. * Move into the Zimbra directory : <pre> cd zimbra-foss </pre> * Pull in the non-public jar files: sh * Build Zimbra using maven: <pre> mvn install </pre> * Test run the server: <pre> mvn jetty:run </pre> h2. Zimbra Init Script h2. Resources * *