


Support #726

Updated by Daniel Curtis about 9 years ago

This is a guide on installing RubyCAS on FreeBSD 9. 

 h2. Prepare the Environment 

 * Make sure the system is up to date: 
 pkg update && pkg upgrade 

 * Install a few dependencies: 
 pkg install git ruby ruby21-gems rubygem-bundler rubygem-rake 

 * Create a rubycas user 
 pw add user -n rubycas -m -s /bin/sh -c "RubyCAS" 

 h2. Install RubyCAS 

 * Switch to the rubycas user: 
 su - rubycas 

 * Create a rubycas log file: 
 touch /var/log/rubycas.log 
 chown rubycas /var/log/rubycas.log 

 * Download the latest RubyCAS files from GitHub: 
 git clone git:// 
 cd rubycas-server 

 * Create a new config from the sample config: 
 cp config/config.example.yml config.yml 

 * Edit    the config.yml file. It is well commented but make sure that you take care of the following: 
 vi config.yml 
 *# Configure at least one authenticator 
 *# Configure the databse connection. 
 *# You might want to change log.file to @/var/log/rubycas.log@ 
 *# You might also want to disable SSL for now by commenting out the @ssl_cert@ line and changing the port to something like @8888@ 

 * Install the web app: 
 bundle install --path vendor/bundle 

 * Run the test server: 
 bundle exec rubycas-server -c config.yml 

 h2. Resources 

