


Support #955

Install Odoo 13 on FreeBSD 12.2

Added by Daniel Curtis about 4 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

Accounting Server
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This is a guide on setting up Odoo 13 from source on FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE.

Prepare the Environment

  • Make sure the system is up to date:
    pkg update && pkg upgrade

Install PostgreSQL 12

  • Install PostgreSQL:
    pkg install postgresql12-{server,client}
  • Enable PostgreSQL at boot:
    sysrc postgresql_enable=YES
  • Initialize the database:
    service postgresql initdb
  • Start PostgreSQL:
    service postgresql start

Create a new user and database

  • Switch to the pgsql user and enter into the psql prompt:
    su postgres
    psql -d template1
    • Create the odoouser user and odoodb database:
      CREATE USER odoouser WITH PASSWORD 'SuperSecretPassword' CREATEDB;
      CREATE DATABASE odoodb OWNER odoouser ENCODING 'UTF8';
      GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE "odoodb" to odoouser;
  • Exit from the postgres user
  • Test the connection on a remote host:
    psql -h -U odoouser -W odoodb

Install Odoo 13

  • Install Odoo:
    pkg install py37-odoo
  • Copy the original config to a new working config:
    cp /usr/local/etc/odoo/odoo.conf /usr/local/etc/odoo.conf
    chmod o+w /usr/local/etc/odoo.conf
  • Edit the Odoo config:
    vi /usr/local/etc/odoo.conf
    • And Modify the following parameters:
      ; This is the password that allows database operations:
      ; admin_passwd = admin
      db_host = localhost
      db_port = 5432
      database = odoodb
      db_user = odoouser
      db_password = SuperSecretPassword
      ;addons_path = /usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/odoo/addons/
      logfile = /var/log/odoo.log
      log_level = error 
  • Create the odoo log:
    touch /var/log/odoo.log
    chmod 644 /var/log/odoo.log
    chown -R odoo:wheel /var/log/odoo.log
  • Initialize the database:
    odoo -i base -d odoodb --stop-after-init --without-demo=all --db_host=localhost -r odoouser -w SuperSecretPassword
  • Start and enable odoo at boot:
    sysrc odoo_enable=YES
    service odoo start

Install Custom Addon

NOTE: Make sure to install at least one app in order to access Activate developer mode in Settings.

App Store Zip

This provides an example of installing the field service module by downloading the zip from the Odoo app store.

  • Install geos:
    pkg install geos
  • Download a copy of the fieldservice module, then upload the zip to the Odoo server
  • Unzip and install the module:
    cd /var/lib/odoo/addons/13.0
    chown -R odoo:odoo *
  • Restart odoo:
    service odoo restart
  • From the Web interface, go to Apps and click on Update Apps List then Update.
  • NOTE: If fieldservice app is not listed in the web interface, press CTRL+F5 to refresh the browser cache.


Also available in: Atom PDF