


Support #728

Using Motion To Stream a Webcam with a Raspberry Pi on Arch

Added by Daniel Curtis about 9 years ago. Updated about 7 years ago.

Camera Server
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This is a guide on how I created a video stream using a webcam attached to a Raspberry Pi Model B running Arch Linux.

Prepare the Environment

  • Make sure the system is up to date:
    sudo pacman -Syu

Get Webcam Information

  • Install the v4l2 utilities:
    sudo pacman -S v4l-utils
  • Get the current resolutions and pixel format of the webcam:
    v4l2-ctl -V
    • NOTE: For more details use the following command:
      v4l2-ctl --all
  • Get a list of supported resolutions and pixel formats:
    v4l2-ctl --list-formats-ext
  • Set the resolution of the webcam to 352x288 (to make streaming a little faster):
    v4l2-ctl --set-fmt-video=width=352,height=288,pixelformat=0

Install Motion

  • Install motion:
    sudo pacman -S motion
  • Edit the motion config file:
    nano /etc/motion/motion.conf
    • And modify the following parameters:
      daemon on
      v4l2_palette 2
      width 352
      height 288
      framerate 100
      webcam_localhost off
      control_localhost off
      output_normal off
      ffmpeg_cap_new off
      ffmpeg_cap_motion off
      webcam_motion off
      webcam_maxrate 100
  • Test start the motion server to check that everything is running properly:
    sudo motion -n -c /etc/motion/motion.conf
    • Ctrl+C to quit the server when done testing.
  • Make the /run/motion directory:
    mkdir /run/motion
  • Start and enable the server at boot:
    sudo systemctl enable motion
    sudo systemctl start motion

Install Nginx

  • Install Nginx
    sudo pacman -S nginx
  • Start and enable nginx at boot:
    sudo systemctl enable nginx
    sudo systemctl start nginx
  • Create a configuration directory to make managing individual server blocks easier
    sudo mkdir /etc/nginx/conf.d
  • Edit the main nginx config file:
    sudo vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
    • And strip down the config file and add the include statement at the end to make it easier to handle various server blocks:
      worker_processes  1;
      error_log  /var/log/nginx-error.log;
      events {
          worker_connections  1024;
      http {
          include       mime.types;
          default_type  application/octet-stream;
          sendfile        on;
          keepalive_timeout  65;
          # nginx may need to resolve domain names at run time
          resolver ipv6=off;
          include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
  • Add a camera site server block:
    sudo vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/
    • Add the following:
      server {
          listen       80 default_server;
          access_log  /var/log/;
          location / {
              proxy_pass http://localhost:8081/;


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