Support #625
Install a Private World of Warcraft Classic Server on Debian
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This is a guide for installing a private World of Warcraft Server using CMaNGOS on Debian 8.
Prepare the environment¶
- Make sure the system is up to date:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
- Make a mangos user:
adduser mangos
- Install a few dependencies:
sudo apt-get install grep build-essential gcc g++ automake git-core autoconf make patch cmake libmysql++-dev mysql-server libtool libssl-dev binutils zlibc libc6 libbz2-dev screen
Install CMaNGOS¶
- Switch to the mangos user:
sudo su - mangos
- Clone the WoW Classic version of CMaNGOS:
git clone git:// mangos
- Clone ScriptDev2:
git clone git:// mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2
- Clone ACID:
git clone git:// acid
- Clone ClassicDB:
git clone git:// classicdb
- Compile CMaNGOS:
cmake ../mangos -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=\../mangos/run -DINCLUDE_BINDINGS_DIR=ScriptDev2 make make install
Extract files from the WoW client¶
Install databases¶
- Create the empty databases:
mysql -uroot -p < mangos/sql/create_mysql.sql
- This will create a user (name mangos, password mangos) with rights to the databases "mangos" (world-db), characters and realmd:
mysql -uroot -p < mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_create_database.sql
- This will create the database "scriptdev2" which can be used by the "mangos" user created with the commands above:
mysql -uroot -p scriptdev2 < mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_create_structure_mysql.sql
- Initialize Mangos database:
mysql -uroot -p mangos < mangos/sql/mangos.sql
- Initialize characters database:
mysql -uroot -p characters < mangos/sql/characters.sql
- Fill the World database by going into the classicDB directory then run
cd classicdb ./
- Edit the created conf file InstallFullDB.config. See above on Installing UDB for explanation of the options.
nano InstallFullDB.config
- Rerun the installer script, invoke
- Fill ScriptDev2 database:
mysql -uroot -p scriptdev2 < mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_script_full.sql
Configuring the WoW Client¶
- Copy C:\World Of Warcraft\Data\enUS\** to realmlist.old within the same folder
- Open in Notepad and change the contents to the following:
set realmlist
- Run mangosd in a screen:
exec screen -dmS mangosd /home/mangos/mangos/run/bin/mangosd -c /home/mangos/mangos/run/etc/mangosd.conf -a /home/mangos/mangos/run/etc/ahbot.conf
- And run realmd in separate screen:
exec screen -dmS realmd /home/mangos/mangos/run/bin/realmd -c /home/mangos/mangos/run/etc/realmd.conf