


Support #599

Build a Yocto Linux Image for Intel Galileo on Arch

Added by Daniel Curtis over 9 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

Image Compiling
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
8.00 h
Spent time:


This is a guide on how I compiled an image of Yocto Linux for the Intel Galileo SoC on Arch Linux.

WARNING: Arch Linux is not an officially supported build OS for Yocto Linux.

Prepare the Environment

  • Edit the pacman configuration:
    sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf
    • And enable the multilib repository:
      Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
  • Refresh the pacman repo cache:
    sudo pacman -Sy
  • Install a few prerequisite packages:
    sudo pacman -S git python2 cpio gawk wget diffstat unzip gcc-multilib texinfo chrpath socat sdl xterm

Fix Python environment

  • Create a dummy bin folder in the user directory:
    mkdir ~/bin
    • Then add a symlink python to python2 and the config scripts in it:
      ln -s /usr/bin/python2 ~/bin/python
      ln -s /usr/bin/python2-config ~/bin/python-config
      export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
  • Finally put the new folder at the beginning of your PATH variable:
    echo 'export PATH=~/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc

Download the Source Code

  • Create a directory for the source code:
    mkdir ~/git && cd ~/git
  • Get the latest IoT Yocto Development Kit:
    git clone -b devkit-daisy git:// iotdk
    cd iotdk
  • Source the iot-devkit-init-build-env script:
    source iot-devkit-init-build-env

Build the Yocto Image

  • Run bitbake to build iot-devkit-image:
    ../bitbake/bin/bitbake iot-devkit-image
    • NOTE: There are many types of image targets for bitbake to use, such as:
      1. iot-devkit-image: A fully functional image to be placed on an SD card
      2. iot-devkit-prof-dev-image: A fully functional image to be placed on an SD card with full profiling and dev tools
      3. iot-devkit-prof-image: A fully functional image to be placed on an SD card with full profiling
      4. iot-devkit-spi-image: A small image capable of fitting into the on-board SPI flash
  • Fix the grub bitbake source:
    nano ~/git/iotdk/meta-quark-bsp/recipes-bsp/grub/
    • And the SRC_URI to the following:
      SRC_URI = "git://" 
  • (Optional) To use the Hob GUI to assist in building, run:
    bitbake -u hob


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