Bug #384
Problem Installing Packages Using Puppet on FreeBSD
I encountered a problem after I had setup my new puppet environment. When I went to run puppet agent -t
to test the connection to the puppet master server. The connection worked, however when it got to a part where a package was going to installed, the connection failed. This turned out to be a problem with puppet trying to compile packages using the ports tree. Luckily there is a puppet module that allows the new pkgng package manager to be used as a source.
On the puppet master server, run the follow command:
puppet module install zleslie-pkgng
Then to configure your system to use a pkgng, a simple include will do:
include pkgng
or when you want to use specific pkgng repositories:
pkgng::repo { 'pkg.freebsd.org': } pkgng::repo { 'my.own.repo': }
Once you have the module installed, you can use it by simply adding a site default in site.pp
that looks like this.
Package { provider => pkgng }
Now every package that you install will use the pkgng provider.