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Hours: 506.50

Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
08/14/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Feature #640: Using Sed To Replace a String In Multiple Files Setup and document Using Sed To Replace a String In Multiple Files 0.50 Actions
08/10/2015 Daniel Curtis Documentation Feature #638: Changing a Cell Background Color Based on a Conditional Statement in LibreOffice Calc Documented and troubleshoot Changing a Cell Background Color Based on a Conditional Statement in LibreOffice Calc 1.50 Actions
07/30/2015 Daniel Curtis Troubleshooting Bug #135: Can Not Read DVD Despite Having Restricted Extras in Ubuntu Documented and troubleshoot Can Not Read DVD Despite Having Restricted Extras in Ubuntu 0.50 Actions
06/25/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #631: GNet Developer Ubuntu Workstation Setup and document GNet Developer Ubuntu Workstation 3.00 Actions
06/25/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Feature #630: Autostart Application On Startup With LXDE Setup, document, and troubleshoot Autostart Application On Startup With LXDE 0.50 Actions
06/25/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #629: Replace IceWeasel With Firefox on Debian Setup and document Replace IceWeasel With Firefox on Debian 0.50 Actions
06/13/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #627: Install Zoneminder on Arch Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install Zoneminder on Arch 1.50 Actions
06/13/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #627: Install Zoneminder on Arch Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install Zoneminder on Arch 1.50 Actions
06/11/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #627: Install Zoneminder on Arch Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install Zoneminder on Arch 3.00 Actions
06/06/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #623: Install ArchAssault On Bare Arch Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install ArchAssault On Bare Arch 2.00 Actions
06/03/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #620: Switching Arch Linux To Linux-ck Kernel Setup, document, and troubleshoot Switching Arch Linux To Linux-ck Kernel 1.50 Actions
06/03/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #620: Switching Arch Linux To Linux-ck Kernel Setup, document, and troubleshoot Switching Arch Linux To Linux-ck Kernel 5.00 Actions
06/01/2015 Daniel Curtis Troubleshooting Bug #621: Error Installing New Gems While Running Bundle Install Document and troubleshoot Error Installing New Gems While Running Bundle Install 1.50 Actions
05/26/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #620: Switching Arch Linux To Linux-ck Kernel Setup, document, and troubleshoot Switching Arch Linux To Linux-ck Kernel; setup initial environment, added importing PGP keys 3.00 Actions
05/09/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #617: Install Kolab on Debian Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install Kolab on Debian 3.00 Actions
05/09/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #617: Install Kolab on Debian Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install Kolab on Debian; reverted to Debian 7 1.50 Actions
05/08/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #617: Install Kolab on Debian Setup, document, and troubleshoot Install Kolab on Debian 1.00 Actions
05/06/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #609: Migrating a MySQL Database To a PostgreSQL Database Setup, document, and troubleshoot Migrating a MySQL Database To a PostgreSQL Database; migrated all existing databases from mysql to postgresql 3.00 Actions
05/04/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Feature #614: Adding PostgreSQL Support to WordPress Setup, document, and troubleshoot Adding PostgreSQL Support to WordPress 1.00 Actions
05/04/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #609: Migrating a MySQL Database To a PostgreSQL Database Setup, document, and troubleshoot Migrating a MySQL Database To a PostgreSQL Database 0.50 Actions
05/04/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #553: Install PostgreSQL on Debian Setup, document, and troubleshoot Installing PostgreSQL on Debian; updated content with network service 0.50 Actions
05/04/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Support #609: Migrating a MySQL Database To a PostgreSQL Database Setup, document, and troubleshoot Migrating a MySQL Database To a PostgreSQL Database 1.50 Actions
05/02/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Feature #612: Configure Prosody To Use Forward Secrecy Setup, document, and troubleshoot Configure Prosody To Use Forward Secrecy 1.00 Actions
05/02/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Feature #611: Configure Postfix and Dovecot To Use Forward Secrecy Setup, document, and troubleshoot Configure Postfix and Dovecot Use Forward Secrecy 1.00 Actions
05/02/2015 Daniel Curtis Development Feature #611: Configure Postfix and Dovecot To Use Forward Secrecy Setup, document, and troubleshoot Configure Postfix and Dovecot Use Forward Secrecy 1.00 Actions
(151-175/374) Per page: 25, 50, 100

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