


Support #414

Updated by Daniel Curtis over 10 years ago

h3. Prerequisites 

 The essential prerequisites required to execute Logstash are: 
 # A working Java runtime environment. 
 # An ElasticSearch instance. 

 The former is required because LogStash is a JRuby application while the latter, although not technically a requirement, is the recommended output for Logstash. 

 h2. Installing Java 

 * To install OpenJDK on FreeBSD you can use pkg to install a ready-to-use binary package: 
 pkg install openjdk 
 #* Currently, this command will install an instance of OpenJDK v. 7 in both FreeBSD 9 and 10. If you'd rather install a different version, you can search the available packages and pick the one you prefer (command output has been filtered for brevity): 
 pkg search openjdk 
 > openjdk-7.60.19,1 
 > openjdk6-b31_3,1 
 > openjdk8-8.5.13_7 
 pkg install openjdk8-8.5.13_7 

 h2. Installing ElasticSearch 

 Logstash includes an embedded ElasticSearch instance you can use for standalone installations (see my previous post for an introductory view on Logstash operation modes). The required configuration to bootstrap the embedded ElasticSearch instance and to have Logstash use it as its outputs is described in the following sections. 

 Although simpler from the standpoint of the configuration, Logstash installations using separate ElasticSearch instances are out of the scope of this post. 

 h2. Installing Logstash 

 h3. Logstash installation procedure is fairly simple since it is distributed as a tarball 

 * Download Logstash from the official website: 
 cd /usr/local 
 wget --no-check-certificate 
 * Extract the tarball in the designated installation directory: 
 tar xzf logstash-1.4.2.tar.gz 
 mv logstash-1.4.2 logstash 
 cd logstash 

 * Create the Logstash directories: 
 mkdir /usr/local/etc/logstash14 
 mkdir /var/db/logstash14 

 * Create a basic configuration: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/logstash14/logstash14.conf 
 #* Then add the following: 
 input { 
 file { 
 type => "syslog" 
 # # Wildcards work, here :) 
 # path => [ "/var/log/*.log", "/var/log/messages", "/var/log/syslog" ] 
 path => "/var/log/messages" 
 start_position => "beginning" 
 filter { 
 if [type] == "syslog" { 
 grok { 
 match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslog_timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname} (%{DATA:syslog_program}(?:\[%{POSINT:syslog_pid}\])?: %{GREEDYDATA:syslog_message}|%{GREEDYDATA:syslog_message})" } 
 add_field => [ "received_at", "%{@timestamp}" ] 
 add_field => [ "received_from", "%{@source_host}" ] 
 if !("_grokparsefailure" in [tags]) { 
 mutate { 
 replace => [ "@source_host", "%{syslog_hostname}" ] 
 replace => [ "@message", "%{syslog_message}" ] 
 mutate { 
 remove_field => [ "syslog_hostname", "syslog_message" ] 
 date { 
 match => [ "syslog_timestamp","MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss", "ISO8601" ] 
 syslog_pri { } 
 output { 
 # Emit events to stdout for easy debugging of what is going through 
 # logstash. 
 #stdout { debug => "true" } 
 # This will use elasticsearch to store your logs. 
 # The 'embedded' option will cause logstash to run the elasticsearch 
 # server in the same process, so you don't have to worry about 
 # how to download, configure, or run elasticsearch! 
 elasticsearch { 
 embedded => true 
 #embedded_http_port => 9200 
 #cluster => elasticsearch 
 #host => host 
 #port => port 

 h3. Creating an rc.d Script 

 An rc.d script is required in a BSD system to register a service, define its configuration and have the rc framework manage its lifetime. The following script can be used as is or as a starting point to customise your own. If used as is, be aware that the script uses the following default values: 
 # *Installation directory*: ${logstash14_home="/usr/local/logstash"} 
 # *Configuration file path*: ${logstash14_config="/usr/local/etc/${name}/${name}.conf"} 
 # *ElasticSearch data directory*: ${logstash14_elastic_datadir="/var/db/logstash14"} 
 # *Java home*: ${logstash14_java_home="/usr/local/openjdk7"} 

 * Create the Logstash rc.d script 
 vi /usr/local/etc/rc.d/logstash14 
 #* Add the following: 
 # Configuration settings for Logstash in /etc/rc.conf: 
 # logstash14_enable (bool): 
 # Default value: "NO" 
 # Flag that determines whether Logstash is enabled. 
 # logstash14_home (string): 
 # Default value: "/usr/local/logstash" 
 # Logstash installation directory. 
 # logstash14_config (string): 
 # Default value: /usr/local/etc/${name}/${name}.conf 
 # Logstash configuration file path. 
 # logstash14_mode (string): 
 # Default value: "standalone" 
 # Valid options: 
 # "standalone": agent, web & elasticsearch 
 # "web": Starts logstash as a web ui 
 # "agent": Justs works as a log shipper 
 # logstash14_port (int): 
 # Default value: 9292 
 # Port of the Kibana web interface. 
 # logstash14_log (bool): 
 # Set to "NO" by default. 
 # Set it to "YES" to enable logstash logging to file 
 # Default output to /var/log/logstash.log 
 # logstash14_log_file (string): 
 # Default value: "${logdir}/${name}.log" 
 # Log file path. 
 # logstash14_java_home (string): 
 # Default value: "/usr/local/openjdk7" 
 # Root directory of the desired Java SDK. 
 # The JAVA_HOME environment variable is set with the contents of this 
 # variable. 
 # logstash14_java_opts (string): 
 # Default value: "" 
 # Options to pass to the Java Virtual Machine. 
 # The JAVA_OPTS environment variable is set with the contents of this 
 # variable. 
 # logstash14_elastic_datadir (string): 
 # Default value: "/var/db/logstash14". 
 # Data directory of the embedded ElasticSearch instance. 
 . /etc/rc.subr 
 load_rc_config ${name} 
 : ${logstash14_enable="NO"} 
 : ${logstash14_home="/usr/local/logstash"} 
 : ${logstash14_config="/usr/local/etc/${name}/${name}.conf"} 
 : ${logstash14_log="NO"} 
 : ${logstash14_mode="standalone"} 
 : ${logstash14_port="9292"} 
 : ${logstash14_log_file="${logdir}/${name}.log"} 
 : ${logstash14_elastic_datadir="/var/db/logstash14"} 
 : ${logstash14_java_home="/usr/local/openjdk7"} 
 : ${logstash14_java_opts=""} 
 if [ -d $piddir ]; then 
 mkdir -p $piddir 
 if checkyesno logstash14_log; then 
 logstash14_log_options=" --log ${logstash14_log_file}" 
 if [ ${logstash14_mode} = "standalone" ]; then 
 logstash14_args="agent -f ${logstash14_config} ${logstash14_log_options} -- web --port ${logstash14_port}" 
 elif [ ${logstash14_mode} = "agent" ]; then 
 logstash14_args="agent -f ${logstash14_config} ${logstash14_log_options}" 
 elif [ ${logstash14_mode} = "web" ]; then 
 logstash14_args="web --port ${logstash14_port} ${logstash14_log_options}" 
 JAVA_OPTS="${logstash14_java_opts} ${logstash14_elastic_options}" 
 export JAVA_OPTS 
 export JAVA_HOME 
 command_args="-f -p ${pidfile} ${logstash14_cmd} ${logstash14_args}" 
 required_files="${logstash14_home} ${logstash14_java_home} ${logstash14_cmd} ${logstash14_config}" 
 run_rc_command "$1" 

 * Now make the rc.d script executable: 
 chmod 755 /usr/local/etc/rc.d/logstash14 

 NOTE: You can override any of the supported configuration values in the /etc/rc.conf file. If, for example, you want to use an alternate Java home path, just add the following line to /etc/rc.conf setting the desired value: 
 > logstash14_java_home="/usr/local/openjdk8" 

 h3. Testing the Logstash service 

 * To test the Logstash service, the following command can be used: 
 service logstash14 onestart 

 * To stop it, use: 
 service logstash14 onestop 

 * To help troubleshooting any problem you might find you can enable the Logstash log, setting the logstash14_log variable to YES in the /etc/rc.conf file: 
 echo 'logstash14_log="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf 

 * The log file location is specified by the logstash14_log_file variable, whose default value is set by the service rc file (only the relevant lines are shown): 
 : ${logstash14_log_file="${logdir}/${name}.log"} 

 The log file location can be overridden setting the logstash14_log_file variable in the /etc/rc.conf file. 

 h3. Enabling the Logstash service 

 Note that the rc script described above does not enable the Logstash service: 
 > : ${logstash14_enable="NO"} 

 * If everything works, you can enable the Logstash service just adding the following line to /etc/rc.conf: 
 echo 'logstash14_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf 
