Support #426
Updated by Daniel Curtis over 10 years ago
h2. Prerequisites You will need to have the following services installed on either the host you are running graylog2-server on or on dedicated machines: # ElasticSearch v0.90.10 # MongoDB (as recent stable version as possible, at least v2.0) *NOTE*: You +must use ElasticSearch v0.90.10+ to avoid compatibility problems. <pre> cd /usr/local/src wget tar xzf elasticsearch-0.90.10.tar.gz cd elasticsearch-0.90.10 bin/elasticsearch -f </pre> You can test if it works using: <pre> curl -X GET http://localhost:9200/ </pre> * Create a separate user and group for ElasticSearch to run as: <pre> groupadd -g 700 elasticsearch useradd -u 700 -g elasticsearch -c "Elasticsearch User" -d /var/lib/elasticsearch elasticsearch </pre> * Create the ElasticSearch directory structure mkdir -p /var/lib/elasticsearch chown elasticsearch:elasticsearch /var/lib/elasticsearch mkdir -p /var/log/elasticsearch chown elasticsearch:elasticsearch /var/log/elasticsearch Configure Elasticsearch mkdir -p /etc/elasticsearch cp /opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml /etc/elasticsearch/ cp /opt/elasticsearch/config/logging.yml /etc/elasticsearch/ Next, edit the configuration file /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml to change the default cluster name, to set the config path, and to use the directories your created in the previous step. Be sure to change the default cluster name if you are on a shared network. By default, Elasticsearch uses the cluster name "elasticsearch". If your server is on a shared network, it will try to connect to an existing node named "elasticsearch". This is probably not what you want. /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml # Cluster name identifies your cluster for auto-discovery. If you're running # multiple clusters on the same network, make sure you're using unique names. # # elasticsearch rubberband1337 . . . # Path to directory containing configuration (this file and logging.yml): # # path.conf: /path/to/conf path.conf: /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml # Path to directory where to store index data allocated for this node. # # /path/to/data /var/lib/elasticsearch . . . # Path to log files: # # path.logs: /path/to/logs path.logs: /var/log/elasticsearch For best performance, you will want to adjust the processors directive in the elasticsearch.yml configuration file. On SmartOS, use this command to determine the appropriate value for your instance: # let result=($(kstat -p caps::cpucaps_zone*:value | awk '{print $2}')+100-1)/100 ; echo $result Then add it to your configuration file. /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml processors: 17 Running Elasticsearch You can run Elasticsearch directly like this. The -d option runs it as a daemon. /opt/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch -d --path.conf=/etc/elasticsearch Test that it's running: # curl localhost:9200 { "status" : 200, "name" : "NFL Superpro", "version" : { "number" : "1.0.1", "build_hash" : "5c03844e1978e5cc924dab2a423dc63ce881c42b", "build_timestamp" : "2014-02-25T15:52:53Z", "build_snapshot" : false, "lucene_version" : "4.6" }, "tagline" : "You Know, for Search" } h3. install Java Runtime Environment 7 * You also must use Java 7! Java 6 is not compatible with Graylog2 and will also not receive any more publicly available bug and security fixes by Oracle: <pre> pacman -S jre7-openjdk </pre> The important thing for ElasticSearch is that you configure graylog2 in it's conf/elasticsearch.yml. Make sure to also read these pages: * "Graylog2 architecture high level overview": * "The Graylog2 index model explained": * "Configuring and tuning ElasticSearch for Graylog2": h2. Downloading and extracting the server Download the package from the "Graylog download": pages. * Extract the archive: <pre> tar xvfz graylog2-server-0.20.2.tgz cd graylog2-server-0.20.2 </pre> h2. Configuration * Now copy the example configuration file: <pre> cp graylog2.conf.example /etc/graylog2.conf </pre> You can leave most variables as they are for a first start. All of them should be well documented. h3. Configure at least these variables in @/etc/graylog2.conf@: > is_master = true * Set only one graylog2-server node as the master. This node will perform periodical and maintenance actions that slave nodes won't. Every slave node will accept messages just as the master nodes. Nodes will fall back to slave mode if there already is a master in the cluster. > password_secret * You must set a secret that is used for password encryption and salting here. The server will refuse to start if it's not set. Generate a secret with for example pwgen -s 96. If you run multiple Graylog2 server nodes, make sure you use the same password_secret for all of them! > root_password_sha2 * A SHA2 hash of a password you will use for your initial login. Set this to a SHA2 hash generated with @echo -n yourpassword | shasum -a 256@ and you will be able to log in to the web interface with username admin and password yourpassword. > elasticsearch_max_docs_per_index = 20000000 * How many log messages to keep per index. This setting multiplied with @elasticsearch_max_number_of_indices@ results in the maximum number of messages in your Graylog2 setup. It is always better to have several more smaller indices than just a few larger ones. > elasticsearch_max_number_of_indices = 20 * How many indices to have in total. If this number is reached, the oldest index will be deleted. > elasticsearch_shards = 4 * The number of shards for your indices. A good setting here highly depends on the number of nodes in your ElasticSearch cluster. If you have one node, set it to 1. Read more about this in the knowledge base article about "configuring and tuning ElasticSearch.": > elasticsearch_replicas = 0 * The number of replicas for your indices. A good setting here highly depends on the number of nodes in your ElasticSearch cluster. If you have one node, set it to 0. Read more about this in the knowledge base article about "configuring and tuning ElasticSearch.": > mongodb_* * Enter your MongoDB connection and authentication information here. Make sure that you connect the web interface to the same database. You don't need to configure mongodb_user and mongodb_password if mongodb_useauth is set to false. h2. Starting the server * The first start should be performed without the `bin/graylog2ctl script to easily see warnings, errors or problems: <pre> java -jar graylog2-server.jar --debug </pre> The server will try to write a @node_id@ to @graylog2-server-node-id@. It won't start if it can't write there because of for example missing permissions. See the "startup parameters": page to learn more about available startup parameters. Note that you might have to be root to bind to port 514 for syslog. You should see a line like this in the debug output if graylog2-server successfully connected to your ElasticSearch cluster: > 2013-10-01 12:13:22,382 DEBUG: org.elasticsearch.transport.netty - [graylog2-server] connected to node [[Unuscione, Angelo][thN_gIBkQDm2ab7k-2Zaaw][inet[/]]] This line indicates that your graylog2-server instance is up and ready to accept messages: > 2013-10-01 12:13:53,149 INFO : org.graylog2.Core - Graylog2 up and running. * Now exit and start the server using the control script: <pre> cd bin/ ./graylog2ctl start </pre> This will start your graylog2-server in the background. Find logs in logs/. *IMPORTANT*: All graylog2-server instances must have synchronized time. We strongly recommend to use NTP on all machines of your Graylog2 infrastructure. That's it! Now go on by installing the graylog2-webinterface to finish your installation. h2. Troubleshooting h3. Problems with IPv6 vs. IPv4? If your graylog2-server instance refuses to listen on IPv4 addresses and always chooses for example a rest_listen_address like :::12900 you can tell the JVM to prefer the IPv4 stack. Add the flag in your graylog2ctl script or from wherever you are calling the graylog2-server.jar: <pre> java -jar graylog2-server.jar </pre> h2. Resources * * *