


Support #330

Updated by Daniel Curtis about 11 years ago

To increase reliability of my Active Directory domain, I have decided to create a backup domain controller in a jail on my FreeNAS server. This guide is document the procedure used to set up the server. Once the jail had been created, I logged into the jail via ssh: 

 h2. Install Samba4 

 Begin by installing BIND 9.8, samba4, and Heimdal Kerberos via pkg: 
 pkg install bind98 heimdal pylibacl py27-xattr samba4 

 NOTE: I chose to use the BIND 9.8 package instead of the default samba internal DNS server, since that is what I am using on the primary domain controller. 

 Once the package finishes installing, the following is displayed: 
 > This port is *STILL* experimental, use it at your own risk. 
 > How to start: 
 > * Your configuration is: /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf 
 > * All the relevant databases are under: /var/db/samba4 
 > * All the logs are under: /var/log/samba4 
 > * Provisioning script is: /usr/local/bin/samba-tool 
 > You will need to specify location of the 'nsupdate' command in the 
 > smb4.conf file: 
 > nsupdate command = /usr/local/bin/samba-nsupdate -g 
 This is important to remember, as the @smb4.conf@ file will be created after joining the domain. 

 h2. Configure @/usr/local/etc/krb5.conf@ 

 In order to join to the Active Directory domain, Samba and Kerberos need to be configured. Start by editing /etc/krb5.conf: 
 nano /etc/krb5.conf 
 > [logging] 
 > default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log 
 > kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log 
 > admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log 
 > [libdefaults] 
 > default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM 
 > ticket_lifetime = 24h 
 > forwardable = yes 
 > [appdefaults] 
 > pam = { 
 > debug = false 
 > ticket_lifetime = 36000 
 > renew_lifetime = 36000 
 > forwardable = true 
 > krb4_convert = false 
 > } 

 NOTE: Make sure to replace EXAMPLE.COM with the Active Directory Realm. 

 At this point, I was able to connect to the primary domain controllers Kerberos realm: 
 kinit administrator 

 I verified successful credentials by running: 
 > Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0 
 > Default principal: 
 > Valid starting       Expires              Service principal 
 > 11/11/12 17:29:51    11/12/12 03:29:51    krbtgt/ 
 > renew until 11/12/12 17:29:49 

 Now the machine can be joined to the Active Directory domain. 

 h2.    Joining the existing domain as a DC 

 Make sure, that your @/etc/resolv.conf@ contains at least one nameserver entry, pointing to a DNS, that can resolve your Samba AD zone(s). Example:  

 Run the following provisioning command to join to the domain, and specifying to use the BIND9_DLZ backend:  
 samba-tool domain join EXAMPLE.COM DC -Uadministrator@EXAMPLE.COM --use-ntvfs --realm=EXAMPLE.COM --dns-backend=BIND9_DLZ 

 NOTE: I needed the @--use-ntvfs@ during the joining, or else an error will prevent the joining.  

 During the join, you should see a set of debug messages about replicating the domains content, like this:  
 > Partition[CN=Configuration,DC=samba,DC=example,DC=com] objects[1614/1614] linked_values[28/0] 

 At the end, you will see a message like this:  
 > Joined domain SAMBA (SID S-1-5-21-3565189888-2228146013-2029845409) as a DC 

 Now you have joined your Samba4 server to your existing domain. This will also create a samba4 configuration file at @/usr/local/etc/smb4.conf@. 


 h2. Configure @/usr/local/etc/smb4.conf@ 

 Edit the @/usr/local/etc/smb4.conf@ file and add the configuration parameter noted above: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/smb4.conf 
 > [global] 
 > ... 
 > nsupdate command = /usr/local/bin/samba-nsupdate -g 
 > ... 

 h2. Configure BIND 

 Add the Dynamically Loadable Zone and Kerberos keytab definitions to the BIND configuration: 
 vi /etc/namedb/named.conf 
 > options { 
 > ... 
 > include "/var/db/samba4/private/named.conf"; 
 > tkey-gssapi-keytab "/var/db/samba4/private/dns.keytab"; 
 > ... 
 > } 

 Then add the following at the end of the /etc/namedb/named.conf: 
 > include "/var/db/samba4/private/named.conf"; 

 Enable the service in /etc/rc.conf 
 vi /etc/rc.conf 
 > named_enable="YES" 
 > named_chrootdir="" 

 Note: Since the BIND server has been set up in jail, it is already chrooted. The default configuration automatically sets up BIND in a chroot environment, and will cause the named service to fail to start unless the +@named_chrootdir=""@+ is specified in the @/etc/rc.conf@. 

 Start the service 
 service named start 
 > Starting named. 

 And check to see that it is running 
 service named status 
 > named is running as pid 13260. 

 h2. Enable and start Samba4 service 

 Enable the service in /etc/rc.conf 
 vi /etc/rc.conf 
 > ntpd_enable="YES" 
 > samba4_enable="YES" 

 Then start the services: 
 service ntpd start 
 service samba4 start 

 h2. Resources 

