


Support #950

Updated by Daniel Curtis over 3 years ago

This is a guide in setting up an Arduino Uno on Arch Linux to flash the Marlin 3D printer firmware on an Ender 3. 

 h2. Flash Bootloader 


 h3. Setup Environment 

 * Open the Arduino IDE on your computer. 
 * Go to +File -> Examples -> ArduinoISP+ and select *Arduino ISP* and open it up. 
 * Go to +Tools -> Manage libraries+ and install the *U8glib* Library. 

 h3. Install Sanguino: 

 * Go to +File -> Preferences+ 
 * In the _Additional Boards Manager URLs_ field, add 
 * Click the *OK* button. 
 * Go to +Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager+ 
 * Click *Install* on _Sanguino by Kristian Sloth Lauszus_ 

 h3. Flash ArduinoISP 

 * Plug in Arduino Uno 
 * Go to +Tools -> Board -> AVR Boards+ and select *Arduino Uno* as the board 
 * Go to +Tools -> Board -> Port+ and select */dev/ttyACM0* (or appropriate port) 
 * Click *Upload* 

 * Select *Sanguino* the Sanguino board from +Tools -> Board -> Sanguino-avr+. the menu, which you should have added. 
 * Open the your Ender 3’s control box and connect wire it up to the Arduino as follows: 

 |_. Ender |_. Arduino | 
 |MISO|Pin 12| 
 |SCK|Pin 13| 
 |MOSI|Pin 11| 
 |RESET|Pin 10| 

 *NOTE*: If a blue light flashes on the Creality board then it is wired correctly 

 * Click on the tools tab and click ‘Burn bootloader’. Success will show ‘Output bootloader burned successfully’. 
 * Disconnect Unplug your Dupont connectors from the wires Ender 3, put the cover back on the board and reassemble the Ender 3. screw it on. 
 * Now unplug your Arduino from the computer. 

 h2. Installing Marlin Firmware 


 * Download and extract the latest version of Marlin firmware: 
 mkdir marlin && cd marlin 

 * Download and extract the example configurations folder: 

 * Copy the Ender 3 example configurations to the Marlin folder: 
 cp Configurations-release-* Marlin-2.0.x/ 

 * In the Arduino IDE go to +File -> Open+ and navigate to _marlin/Marlin-2.0.x/Marlin_ and open *marlin.ino*. 
 * You are now ready to upload. If you wish to add bilinear bed leveling, go to the next step. Otherwise, make sure you have the printer plugged in via USB, the port is correct and the board is Sanguino. Then click the upload button. If that completes in the shell you are finished. 
 * Unplug the printer from the computer and plug it into the power socket. Be aware the printer may take longer to boot up than usual. 

 h2. Resources 

