Support #892
Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 8 years ago
This is a guide for setting up btcpool on FreeBSD 10.
*+WARNING+*: This fails to build on FreeBSD 10 at the moment 4/25/17
h2. Prepare the Environment
* Make sure the system is up to date:
pkg update && pkg upgrade
portsnap fetch extract
* Create a btcpool user:
pw add user -n btcpool -s /sbin/nologin -c "BTC Pool"
* Install a few dependencies:
pkg install gcc git gmake portmaster autotools libtool autoconf automake cmake openssl boost-libs gmp libconfig libzmq4 glog librdkafka libevent
* Install Zookeeper and ensure its running, refer to issue #890
service zookeeper start
* Install Kafka and ensure its running, refer to issue #891
service kafka start
* Add the following to the @make.conf@ file to enable ZMQ while compiling from ports:
echo 'OPTIONS_UNSET+= DOCS NLS X11 EXAMPLES' >> /etc/make.conf
echo 'OPTIONS_SET+= ZMQ' >> /etc/make.conf
* Compile bitcoin-daemon from ports:
portmaster net-p2p/bitcoin
* Compile bitcoin-daemon from ports:
portmaster net-p2p/bitcoin-daemon
h2. Install MySQL Server
* Start by installing the mariadb100-server and mariadb100-client packages:
pkg install mariadb100-{server,client}
* Copy a base MySQL configuration to use:
cp /usr/local/share/mysql/my-small.cnf /var/db/mysql/my.cnf
* Enable and start mysql at boot:
echo 'mysql_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf
service mysql-server start
* Prepare the database for use by running the secure installation:
*NOTE*: Choose a strong root password and answer yes to all questions.
h3. Create Databases and Users
* Login to MySQL and create appropriate databases and users.
mysql -u root -p
#* And run the following SQL queries to create the btcpooldb database and btcpooluser user:
CREATE USER 'btcpooluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'SuperSecretPassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON btcpooldb.* TO 'btcpooluser'@'localhost';
h2. Install btcpool
* Download the latest version of btcpool from GitHub:
git clone /usr/local/btcpool
* Build btcpool using gcc:
cd /usr/local/btcpool
mkdir build && cd build
env CC=gcc48 CXX=g++48 CPP=cpp48 cmake -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc48 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++48 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
env CC=gcc48 CXX=g++48 CPP=cpp48 gmake
h2. Initialize btcpool
h3. Create Kafka Topics
h3. Init MySQL database tables
h3. User list API
h2. Init script
h2. Resources