Feature #837
Updated by Daniel Curtis over 8 years ago
I like to keep a list of installed packages on my workstations from time to time. With Arch Linux that mean I want to backup a list of both native packages and packages from the AUR. h2. Backup * Backup native applications: <pre> pacman -Qqen -Qqe > backup-apps.txt </pre> * Backup AUR applications: <pre> pacman -Qqm > backup-aur-apps.txt </pre> h2. Restore * Restore native applications: <pre> cat backup-apps.txt | sudo pacman -S - < backup-apps.txt </pre> * Restore AUR applications: <pre> cat backup-aur-apps.txt | yaourt -S - < backup-aur-apps.txt </pre> h2. Resources * https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=56601 * https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pacman/Tips_and_tricks#Listing_packages