Support #680
Updated by Daniel Curtis over 8 years ago
This is a guide on how I set up my development environment for developing Android applications on Arch Linux. h2. Prepare the Environment * Edit the pacman config file: <pre> vi /etc/pacman.conf </pre> #* And uncomment the multilib definition: <pre> [multilib] Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist </pre> * Make sure the system is up to date: <pre> pacman -Syu </pre> * Install a few dependencies: <pre> pacman -S gcc git gnupg flex bison gperf sdl wxgtk squashfs-tools curl ncurses zlib schedtool perl-switch zip unzip libxslt python2-virtualenv bc wget gcc-multilib lib32-zlib lib32-ncurses lib32-readline </pre> * Install "yaourt": * Install libtinfo: <pre> yaourt libtinfo </pre> * Import the ncurses5-compat-libs pgp key: <pre> gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 702353E0F7E48EDB </pre> h2. Install Android SDK * Install the Android SDK from the AUR: <pre> yaourt -S android-sdk </pre> * Install the Android SDK Platform Tools from the AUR: <pre> yaourt -S android-sdk-platform-tools </pre> * Install the Android SDK Build Tools from the AUR: <pre> yaourt -S android-sdk-build-tools </pre> * Create an android sdk users group: <pre> groupadd sdkusers </pre> * Add the user bob into the sdkusers group: <pre> gpasswd -a bob sdkusers </pre> * Change folder's group ownership <pre> chown -R :sdkusers /opt/android-sdk/ </pre> 4 * Change permissions of the folder so the user in the sdkuser group will be able to write in the sdk folder: <pre> chmod -R g+w /opt/android-sdk/ </pre> * Log out and log back in for the new group to take effect. h3. Install Android SDK Platform API * Next install the latest Android SDK Platform API: <pre> yaourt -S android-platform </pre> h3. Install Android Tools * Install android-tools: <pre> pacman -S android-tools </pre> * Enable USB Debugging on the phone or device: *# *Jelly Bean (4.2) and newer*: Go to +Settings -> About Phone+ tap _Build Number_ until a popup appears that you have become a developer (about 10 times). Then go to +Settings --> Developer --> USB debugging+ and enable it. *# *Older versions*: This is usually done from +Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB debugging+. Reboot the phone after checking this option to make sure USB debugging is enabled. * Install android-udev: <pre> pacman -S android-udev </pre> * Add yourself to the adbusers group: <pre> gpasswd -a bob adbusers </pre> h2. Install Android Studio IDE * Install Android Studio from the AUR: <pre> yaourt -S android-studio </pre> #* (Optional) Install the android-support package: <pre> yaourt -S android-support </pre> h2. Resources * * * *