Support #828
Updated by Daniel Curtis over 8 years ago
I recently needed to move two database services, PostgreSQL and MariaDB, from a Debian server on a VM to a FreeBSD jail. Since the database server on the VM was the database server for a few web services, I wanted as little downtime as possible. This is a guide on the process by which I migrated the two database services to the new server. h2. Prepare the New Server Start by installing and setting up the two database services in the new server. * Install and setup "PostgreSQL": * Install and setup "MariaDB": h2. Migrate the Databases * Migrate the local PostgreSQL database to the new remote server: <pre> pg_dumpall pg_dump -C -h localhost remotehost -U postgres remoteuser dbname | psql -h localhost -U psql -W localuser dbname </pre> * Migrate the MariaDB database to the new server: <pre> mysqldump --all-databases -uuser -ppassword | mysql -hremoteserver -uremoteuser -premoteserver </pre> h2. Resources * * * * *