


Support #761

Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 9 years ago

This is a simple guide on getting madsonic subsonic up and running on FreeBSD 9. 

 h2. Prepare the Environment 

 * Before installation of the components, make sure everything is up to date using the following command: 
 pkg update && pkg upgrade 

 h2. Install Madsonic 

 * Install the madsonic-standalone package: 
 pkg install madsonic-standalone 

 * Start and enable madsonic at boot: 
 echo 'madsonic_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf 
 service madsonic start 

 * Now open a web browser and go to 

 h2. Install SSL 

 * Install openssl and zip: 
 pkg install openssl zip 

 * Generate a strong SSL key and a CSR to send for signing by a CA: 
 cd /usr/local/etc 
 openssl req -sha512 -out -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout 

 * Combine the SSL key, certificate, and CA intermediate certificate files together into a @madsonic-bundle.crt@ @subsonic-bundle.crt@ file: 
 cat startcom.class1.bundle > madsonic-bundle.crt subsonic-bundle.crt 

 * Next convert it to a format madsonic understands: 
 openssl pkcs12 -in madsonic-bundle.crt -export -out madsonic-bundle.pkcs12 
 #* When prompted enter *madsonic* as export password. 

 * Now you should have a @madsonic-bundle.pkcs12@ file, we need to import this into a keystore for Madsonic to use: 
 keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore madsonic-bundle.pkcs12 -destkeystore madsonic.keystore -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass madsonic -srcalias 1 -destalias madsonic 
 #* When prompted enter *madsonic* as the password. 

 * Finally we need to put the keystore into the file Madsonic uses to boot: 
 zip /usr/local/madsonic-standalone/madsonic-booter-jar-with-dependencies.jar madsonic.keystore 

 * Now set the madsonic_https_port in the rc.conf file and restart madsonic: subsonic: 
 echo 'madsonic_https_port="4443"' >> /etc/rc.conf 
 service madsonic restart 
