


Feature #786

Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 9 years ago

This is a simple guide on how I setup standard PayPal payments on Magento 1.9. 

 h2. Setup Standard PayPal 

 * Log into the Magento admin interface, 

 * Go to +System -> Configuration+ and click on *Payment Methods*. 

 * Expand +PayPal All-in-One Payment Solutions+ 

 * Click *Configure* in the +PayPal Payments Standard+ section. 
 *# _Email Associated with PayPal Merchant Account_: ** 
 *# _API Authentication Methods_: *API Signature* 
 *# _API Username_: •••••• 
 *# _API Password_: •••••• 
 *# _API Signature_: •••••• 

 *# Click on the *Get Credentials from PayPal* button to login and obtain the PayPal API credentials for the user account. Make sure to copy over the API username, password, and signature. 

 * In the _Enable this Solution_ make sure to select *Yes* 

 * In the _Payment Action_ field make sure to select *Authorization*. 

 * Click *Save Config* to apply the settings. 

 Payment Action 
 Display on Product Details Page 

 Once the production API connection has been setup, PayPal all orders will be available at now have the checkout screen. shipping options provided by FedEx. 

 h2. Resources 

