


Feature #753

Updated by Daniel Curtis about 8 years ago

This is a guide on how to setup LDAP authentication for users on Redmine. The LDAP server is OpenLDAP on FreeBSD 9, but should work on any LDAP server. 

 h2. Populate the LDAP Server 

 * Create the People Organizational Unit ldif file: 
 vi ~/people-ou.ldif 
 #* And add the following: 
 dn: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com 
 objectclass: organizationalUnit 
 ou: People 

 * Import the People OU file into the server: 
 ldapadd -D "cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f ~/people-ou.ldif 

 * Create the bob user ldif file: 
 vi ~/bob.ldif 
 #* And add the following: 
 dn: cn=Bob Guy,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com Guy,ou=People,dc=gnetsolutions,dc=net 
 cn: Bob Guy 
 givenname: Bob 
 initials: BG 
 objectclass: inetOrgPerson 
 objectclass: organizationalPerson 
 objectclass: person 
 sn: Guy 
 uid: bob 
 userpassword: {MD5}X03MO1qnZdYdgyfeuILPmQ== 
 #* *NOTE*: The password for bob is *password*. 

 h2. Setup LDAP Authentication 

 * Log into redmine admin site, and go to *LDAP Authentication*. 

 * Click on *New authentication mode* and enter the LDAP server details: 
 *# Name: *LDAP Auth* 
 *# Host: ** 
 *# Port: *389* 
 *# Account: *cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com* 
 *# Password: *SuperSecretPassword* 
 *# Base DN: *ou=People,dc=example,dc=com* 
 *# On-the-fly user creation: *[X]* 
 *# Login attribute: *uid* 
 *# Firstname attribute: *givenName* 
 *# Lastname attribute: *sn* 
 *# Email attribute: *mail* 

 * Click *Save* 

 * Next go to +Administration -> Users+ and click *New user*. 
 *# Login: *bob* 
 *# First name: *Bob* 
 *# Last name: *Guy* 
 *# Email: ** 
 *# Authentication mode: *LDAP Auth* 

 * Click *Save* 

 Now bob can log in using the the password stored in the LDAP server, in this case its *password*. 

 h2. Resources 

