Support #708
Updated by Daniel Curtis about 9 years ago
This is a guide on installing Spree on FreeBSD 9. h2. Prepare the Environment * Make sure the system is up to date: <pre> sudo pkg update && sudo pkg upgrade </pre> * Install a few dependencies: <pre> sudo pkg install ruby rubygem-rails git ImageMagick-nox11 </pre> h2. Install Spree * Switch to the home directory: <pre> cd ~ </pre> * Install the spree gem: <pre> gem install spree </pre> * Install the spree_auth_devise gem: <pre> gem install spree_auth_devise </pre> * Create a new rails application: <pre> rails new example_site </pre> * Install the spree auth gem in the new rails app: <pre> cd example_site bundle exec tails g spree:auth:install </pre> * Install spree into the new rails app: <pre> spree install . </pre> * Run the test server to check that it was installed correctly: <pre> rails s </pre> #* The frontend is at #* The admin panel is at h3. Install Piwik Support * Edit the Gemfile: <pre> vi Gemfile </pre> #* And add the following to the end: <pre> gem 'spree_piwik' </pre> * Install the gem dependencies: <pre> bundle install </pre> * Initialize the spree_piwik module <pre> bundle exec rails g spree_piwik:install </pre> * Edit the spree_piwik initializer file: <pre> vi config/initializers/spree_piwik.rb </pre> #* And uncomment and adjust the piwik values accordingly: <pre> Spree::Piwik::Config[:piwik_url] = "" Spree::Piwik::Config[:piwik_id] = 4 </pre> h2. Resources *