Feature #705
Updated by Daniel Curtis about 9 years ago
While setting up a custom template for a sales order in QuickBooks 2012, I found the default data fields were limited in selection and that I needed my own data fields for specific order templates. QuickBooks offers this ability, however it is not as intuitive as one might expect. This is a guide on how I managed to extra data fields to QuickBooks. h3. Create the Data Field # Once QuickBooks is open, click on the *Customer Center*. # Next select and *edit a customer*, any customer will work. # Then click on the *Additional Info* tab and click on *Define Fields*. # *Label* the new data field and select which group will be able to use the extra data field. #* _Cust_ will be available to members in the +Customers+ group. #* _Vend_ will be available to members in the +Vendors+ group. #* _Empl_ will be available to members in the +Employees+ group. # Click *OK* when finished adding the new data field. #* *Close* the +customer edit window+ and +Customer Center+. @Customer Center@. h3. Use the Data Field # Open a +new+ *Sales Order* or *Invoice*. # From the top menu in the order window, select +Customize -> Manage Templates+. # Select the +template+ to add the new data field to. # Click on *Additional Customization...* # In the *Header* tab, locate the new data field name and check the +Screen+ and +Print+ boxes to add them to the invoice. # Click the *Layout Designer...* to adjust the layout and position of the new data field on documents printed using the template. # Click *OK* to apply changes in the +Layout Designer+, then click *OK* to finish +editing the template+. h2. Resources * http://www.sleeter.com/blog/2013/11/custom-fields-in-quickbooks/