Support #703
Updated by Daniel Curtis about 9 years ago
This is a guide for creating a theme from the default theme provided by Magento. This is frowned upon because the default features provided in a previous version of Magento may not work on newer versions. But for the sake of ease, I choose to ignore this warning. So this is a simple guide that I use for quickly creating a Magento theme to dirty up from the default theme. # * Copy over the default frontend app design folder to the new theme folder: <pre> cp -r /usr/local/www/magento/app/design/frontend/default/default /usr/local/www/magento/app/design/frontend/default/new_theme </pre> # * Copy over the base default frontend skin folder: <pre> cp -r /usr/local/www/magento/skin/frontend/base/default /usr/local/www/magento/skin/frontend/default/new_theme </pre> # * Login to the Magento admin panel, then *System -> Design* # * Click on *Add Design Change*, then set the +Custom Design+ to +new_theme+. --- Now the images, CSS files, and various theme files in the *@app/design/frontend/default/new_theme@* @app/design/frontend/default/new_theme@ and *@skin/frontend/default/new_theme@* @skin/frontend/default/new_theme@ folder can be changed.