Bug #702
Updated by Daniel Curtis about 9 years ago
h2. The Symptom I recently encountered a problem with Outlook 2010 after migrating emails from one email provider to another. This was done by creating an account for the new email hosting provider and copying the messages from the old account to the new account (this was done because of migrating from POP3 to IMAP). However, after the messages had been copied over, the messages in Outlook 2010 showed that they had arrived on the day of the migration and not the date the message was originally sent. This began causing confusion while searching through email messages. h2. The Fix # Select the mailbox displaying the date incorrectly, then +right-click+ on *Arrange By: Date* box at the top of the mailbox list. # Click on the *Comlumns...* button. #* *# Then select *Sent* item from the +Available columns+ and click *Add ->*. #* *# Click *OK*. # Click on *Sort...* button. #* *# Select *Sent* from the +Sort items by+ menu. #* *# Click *OK*. Now messages in the mailbox will display the date which the message was sent from the sender and not the date that the message was received on the server. h2. Resources * http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2010-outlook/outlook-2010-using-incorrect-datetime-received-on/31bf1bc1-226f-4eeb-8bc1-a87198ea3ec0?db=5 * https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/050a6566-8ace-4778-ac14-0d9355872ce3/outlook-2010-using-incorrect-datetime-received-on-imported-imap-emails?forum=outlook