


Support #653

Updated by Daniel Curtis over 9 years ago

This is a guide on installing Dovecot and Postfix with Nginx, PostgreSQL, and SpamAssassin on FreeBSD. This guide is adapted from the mail server setup at "": 

 h2. Prepare the System 

 * Make sure the system is up to date: 
 pkg update && pkg upgrade 

 * Install portmaster and screen: 
 pkg install portmaster screen 

 * Update the ports tree: 
 portsnap fetch extract 

 h2. Configure the Ports 

 * This builds ClamAV to allow our “vscan” user access to it. Add ClamAV build options to @/etc/make.conf@ file: 
 echo "CLAMAVUSER=vscan" >> /etc/make.conf 
 echo "CLAMAVGROUP=vscan" >> /etc/make.conf 

 * Add BATCH option to @/etc/make.conf@ file: 
 echo "BATCH=yes" >> /etc/make.conf 

 * Edit pear-Net_SMTP installation menu: 
 cd /usr/ports/net/pear-Net_SMTP 
 make config 
 #* *NOTE*: Make sure *[X]PEAR_AUTH_SASL* is selected. 

 * Edit pear-Auth Options installation menu: 
 cd /usr/ports/security/pear-Auth 
 make config 
 #* *NOTE*: Make sure *[X]PEAR_DB* and *[X]PEAR_LOG* are selected. 

 * Edit pear-Log installation menu: 
 cd /usr/ports/sysutils/pear-Log 
 make config 
 #* *NOTE*: Make sure *[X]PEAR_DB* is selected. 

 * Edit Dovecot installation menu: 
 cd /usr/ports/mail/dovecot2 
 make config 
 #* *NOTE*: Make sure *[X]PGSQL* *[X]POSTGRESQL* is selected. 

 * Edit Postfix installation menu: 
 cd /usr/ports/mail/postfix 
 make config 
 #* *NOTE*: Make sure *[X]BDB*, *[X]PGSQL*, [X]POSTGRESQL, *[X]TLS*, *[X]VDA* and *[X]DOVECOT2* are selected. 

 * Edit Postfixadmin installation menu: 
 cd /usr/ports/mail/postfixadmin 
 make config 
 *NOTE*: Make sure *[X]PGSQL* *[X]POSTGRESQL* is selected. 

 * Edit SpamAssassin installation menu: 
 cd /usr/ports/mail/spamassassin 
 make config 
 #* *NOTE*: Make sure *[X]PGSQL*, *[X]POSTGRESQL*, *[X]DKIM*, *[X]RAZOR*, *[X]RELAY_COUNTRY* and *[X]SPF_QUERY* are selected. 

 * Edit Maia-Mailguard installation menu: 
 cd /usr/ports/security/maia 
 make config 
 #* *NOTE*: Make sure the *[X]DOVECOT2*, *[X]FUZZYOCR*, *[X]PGSQL*, *[X]PFA*, *[X]POSTFIX* [X]DOVECOT2, [X]FUZZYOCR, [X]PGSQL, [X]PFA, [X]POSTFIX and *[X]WEBHOST* [X]WEBHOST options are selected. Also make sure to unset the *[ ]MYSQL* option. Feel free to select any additional options you may want. 

 h2. Install Maia Mailguard 

 * Install Maia-Mailguard: 
 portmaster security/maia 

 * Set password for “vscan” user: 
 passwd vscan 

 h2. Resources 

