


Feature #451

Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 9 years ago

I wanted to add a m4v file to the product description but Magento has a limited amount of permitted upload file types. Unfortunately there is currently not an option to add, remove, or modify these file types in the +Admin Panel+; but there is a way of accomplishing this by modifying a little source code. 

 * Look for the file: */app/code/Core/Mage/Cms/etc/config.xml* 

 * You should create the same folder structure to inside /app/local: Copy *config.xml* into */app/local/Core/Mage/Cms/etc/* 

 That’s the way to make the change upgrade proof.  

 h3. Add the extensions 

 * Open the config.xml I mentioned above and around the line 100 you will find something like this: 

 Notice the added *@<m4v>1</m4v>@* <m4v>1</m4v> to the allowed extensions. 

 After uploading the file refresh the +Magento Cache+ and also try to log out from the +Magento Admin Panel+.
