


Support #609

Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 10 years ago

This is a guide for migrating a MySQL database to a PostgreSQL database using on Debian 8, Ubuntu 14.04, or FreeBSD 9. 8. This process was done using a VM and access granted to the VM for the MySQL database and the PostgreSQL database, this may not be ideal for all use cases. 

 h2. Prepare the Environment 

 h3. Debian/Ubuntu 

 * Make sure the system is up to date: 
 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y 

 * Install a few dependencies: 
 apt-get install virtualenv python-dev ruby bundler gawk libreadline6-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 autoconf libgdbm-dev libncurses5-dev automake libtool bison pkg-config libffi-dev curl git libpq-dev libmysqlclient-dev 

 * Setup the python virtual environment: Add a user for RVM: 
 virtualenv --no-site-packages ~/envs/py-mysql2pgsql useradd -m -g users -s /bin/bash migrator 
 source ~/envs/py-mysql2pgsql/bin/activate 

 * Install py-mysql2pgsql 
 #* and add a password for the migrator user: 
 pip install py-mysql2pgsql passwd migrator 

 h3. FreeBSD Install RVM 

 * Make sure Switch to the system is up to date: migrator user: 
 portsnap fetch extract && portmaster -a su - migrator 

 * Install py-mysql2pgsql: Add the RVM GPG key: 
 portmaster databases/py-mysql2pgsql gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 

 h2. Migrate The Database 

 * Generate a new config file: Install RVM and Ruby 1.9 
 py-mysql2pgsql curl -sSL | bash -s stable 
 </pre> source /home/migrator/.rvm/scripts/rvm 
 #* _Example output_: echo '[[ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && source "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"' >> ~/.bashrc 
 <pre> rvm autolibs read-fail 
 No configuration file found. rvm install 1.9 
 A new file has been initialized at: mysql2pgsql.yml </pre> 

 h2. Install mysql2postgres 

 * Install bundler: 
 Please review the configuration and retry... <pre> 
 gem install rubygems-bundler bundler 

 * Edit Install the mysql2pgsql config file: pg gem: 
 nano mysql2pgsql.yml gem install pg 

 * Install the mysql2psql gem: 
 #* And modify the config file to connect to both the mysql and postgresql databases: gem install mysql2psql 
  port: 3306 
  username: exampleuser 
  password: SuperSecretPassword 
  database: exampledb 
  compress: false </pre> 

   port: 5432 
   username: exampleuser 
   password: SuperSecretPassword 
   database: exampledb 

 # if supress_data is true, only * Install the schema definition will be exported/migrated, and not the data mysqltopostgres gem: 
 supress_data: false 

 # if supress_ddl is true, only the data will be exported/imported, and not the schema <pre> 
 supress_ddl: false 

 # if force_truncate is true, forces a table truncate before table loading gem install mysqltopostgres 
 force_truncate: false 

 * Now run the migration: Generate a new database.yml file: 
 py-mysql2pgsql -v mysqltopostgres 

 h2. Resources 

