Support #553
Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 10 years ago
This is a simple guide for setting up a standalone PostgreSQL database server on Debian.
* Use sudo to get a root shell
sudo -s
* Update the system:
apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
h1. Install PostgreSQL
* Install PostgreSQL
apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client
h2. Create a database and user
* Create a regular system user account using adduser (skip this step to use an existing account):
adduser somepguser
* Connect to the default database:
su - postgres
#* Set a password for the postgres user:
\password postgres
#* The postgres admin console will show @postgres=#@, create a new database user and a database:
CREATE USER somepguser WITH PASSWORD 'somepguserpass';
CREATE DATABASE somepgdatabase OWNER somepguser;
#* Quit from the database
* Exit from the postgres user
* Connect as somepguser to the new database:
su - somepguser
psql somepgdatabase
h2. Resources