


Support #429

Updated by Daniel Curtis over 9 years ago

h2. Prepare the environment 

 h3. Arch Linux 

 * Arduino and Galileo users must be added to the lock and uucp groups: 
 gpasswd -a $USER uucp 
 gpasswd -a $USER lock 

 * Install JRE: 
 sudo pacman -S jre7-openjdk 

 * Log out and log back in for the group change to take effect. 

 h3. Ubuntu 

 * *NOTE*: A system service called modem manager can interfere with the Galileo. Remove it with the following command in the terminal window: 
 sudo apt-get remove modemmanager 

 * Install JRE: 
 sudo apt-get install default-jre 

 h2. Connect Power First, then USB 

 *WARNING*: * WARNING - For 1st Generation Galileo Boards - Always power the board through its power supply before connecting it via USB to your computer. Otherwise, you may damage your board. 

 * WARNING - Power supplies are NOT interchangeable between the Intel Galileo and Intel Galileo Gen 2 boards. The Gen 2 power supply is 12V and will permanently damage 1st generation Galileo boards. 

 With nothing else connected to your Galileo board, plug power cable into the wall and then connect it to the Galileo DC jack. You should see a couple of LEDs light up. 
 Connect Galileo to your computer using a USB A to micro B cable to USB (cable not included in package) client port on the board. 
 h2. Download and Install Intel Arduino IDE 

 *NOTE*: The Galileo * WARNING - If you already have a copy of the standard Arduino IDE version at installed, you can rename the time one you downloaded from Intel and keep both in your Applications folder. The name you choose must NOT contain spaces. 
 * NOTE - These instructions have been tested on a fresh installation of writing was 1.0.4 

 Ubunto 12.04.3 LTS, but should work with most other distributions. 
 * Download and extract IDE for *32-bit* systems: NOTE - A system service called modem manager can interfere with the Galileo. Remove it with the following command in the terminal window: 
 cd ~ sudo apt-get remove modemmanager 
 wget </pre> 
 tar xJf IntelArduino-1.6.0-Linux32.txz 
 mv arduino-1.6.0+Intel galileo 

 * Download and extract IDE for *64-bit* systems: HINT - To see if your system is 32 bit (i686) or 64 bit (x86_64) use the below command.    The response will include a “32” or “64” depending on what your system is: 
 cd ~ uname -m 
 tar xJf IntelArduino-1.6.0-Linux64.txz 
 mv arduino-1.6.0+Intel galileo 

 h2. Install the Intel IDE 

 Now that the Galileo IDE has been extracted Go to the users home directory its time to create a Download Center and click the 32-bit or 64-bit download link to make it executable from a shell. I already have download the normal most up-to-date Intel Arduino IDE installed, so for Linux. I have included a copy of both for posterity. You will create a link need to make close the galileo command. new browser tab to return to these instructions. If your browser asks you, save the .tgz file in your ~/Downloads directory 

 * Create the link Open a terminal window by clicking on its icon in your application launcher or by typing Ctrl+Alt+T 
 * Navigate to your downloaded file and extract if from there to your home directory with tar: 
 cd ~/Downloads 
 tar -xzf <tgz filename> -C ~/ 
 * Navigate to the /usr/local/bin folder: extracted files: 
 sudo ln -s ~/galileo/arduino /usr/local/bin/galileo cd ~/ arduino-1.5.3 
 * Navigate to your downloaded file and extract if from there to your home directory with tar: 

 * Launch the Galileo IDE: NOTE - If you get an error about Java not being found, install it with: 
 galileo sudo apt-get install default-jre 

 h2. Update Firmware 

 * *WARNING*: WARNING - During the firmware update it is extremely important that your board remain plugged in and powered on! 

 # Go In Galileo Arduino IDE, go to +Tools -> Board+, Tools pull-down menu at the top, select Board, and make sure *Intel Galileo* “Intel Galileo” or *Intel "Intel Galileo (Gen 2)* 2)" is selected. 
 # Go In Galileo Arduino IDE, go to +Tools Tools -> Serial Port+ Port in the menu. Set Select the serial port to */dev/ttyACM0* that looks like this:    /dev/ttyACM0 
 # Go to +Help Help -> Firmware Update+ Update to update your board to the latest version.  

 When you have succeeded you will see a message indicating that your firmware has been updated. It takes about 5 minutes.  

 h2. Test the Board with the Blink Example 

 # Close down your IDE and restart it after the firmware update has completed.+ 
 h2. Test the Board with the Blink Example 

 # Go to +Files In IDE, Click: Files -> Examples -> 01.Basics -> Blink+ Blink 
 # A new sketch window will open with some code in it. 
 # Click the +Upload+ Upload button in the toolbar. 
 # It may take a few moments for the code to compile and upload. You can see the progress at the bottom of the window. 
 # When it is done, you will see the text *Transfer Complete* "Transfer Complete" & *Done Uploading* “Done Uploading” at the bottom of the sketch window. 

 You should see a blinking light! 

 h2. Troubleshooting 

 If you are not seeing a blinking light try the following: 
 # Check connections between the board, and your computer. 
 # Make sure *Intel Galileo* Intel Galileo is selected from the +Tools Tools -> Board+ Board menu. 
 # Make sure you have the correct serial port selected in +Tools Tools -> Serial Port+. Port. 
 # If you didn’t update your firmware, update it now by going to +Help Help -> Firmware Update+. Update. 
 # Make sure you uploaded the Blink sketch example, and that you didn’t accidentally change the code. 
 # Make note of error messages. 
 # If all else fails, seek help from the Galileo Support Community or the Arduino Forums. 

 h2. Resources 

