


Feature #594

Updated by Daniel Curtis over 9 years ago

I use VirtualBox for a lot of development on my laptop, and as such I do not always have Internet access; and not always connected via ethernet. For the +primary network interface+, I use a *Host-only* network type to connect with the VMs when disconnected from the Internet; however I also need Internet access when I am connected via WiFi or ethernet. To do this +just add a second network interface to the VM+ in use and make sure to sure set the network type to *NAT*. 

 h2. VirtualBox GUI 

 In this example the host-only network is called _vboxnet0_, and I configured the network to another network instead of the default _192.168.56.0_ network. 

 * Configure the Host-only network in +VirtualBox -> File -> Preferences -> Network -> Host-only Networks+ and click *[+] Add host-only network*. Click *OK* when finished.  

 * Configure the primary network interface for the VM by going to +Settings -> Network Adapter 1+ and change +Attached to+ to *Host-only Adapter*, then change the +Name+ to *vboxnet0*. 

 * Configure the secondary network interface for the VM by going to +Settings -> Network Adapter 2+ and change +Attached to+ to NAT*. 

 * Click *OK* when finished. 

 Now the VM will have two interfaces; one for the connection to the host machine and one to connect to the Internet using NAT. 

 h2. VBoxManage 

 In this example the host-only network is called _vboxnet1_, and I configured the network to another network instead of the default _192.168.56.0_ network. 

 * Create the Host-only network interface: 
 VBoxManage hostonlyif create 
 #* _Example output_ 
 Interface 'vboxnet1' was successfully created 

 * Set the host-only network interface IP address: 
 VBoxManage hostonlyif ipconfig vboxnet1 --ip 

 * (Optional) Setup a DHCP server for the host-only network: 
 VBoxManage dhcpserver add --netname vboxnet1 --ip --netmask --lowerip --upperip --enable 

 * Configure the primary network interface for the VM 
 VBoxManage modifyvm "ExampleVM" --nic1 hostonly --hostonlyadapter1 vboxnet1 

 * Configure the secondary network interface for the VM 
 VBoxManage modifyvm "ExampleVM" --nic2 nat 

 h2. Resources 

