Support #547
Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 10 years ago
I have recently sarted using IRC, and I have chosen WeeChat as my client. This is a quick start guide for using WeeChat: * Install WeeChat: <pre> sudo pacman -S weechat </pre> * Launch weechat: <pre> weechat </pre> * Set the default username: <pre> /set irc.server_default.nicks "JoeSchmoe" </pre> * Show all of the IRC parameters: <pre> /set irc.* </pre> * Create a server connection profile called *geekshed* to on port @6667@: <pre> /server /set server add geekshed </pre> * Connect to the geekshed profile <pre> /connect geekshed </pre> * Join a channel: <pre> /join #somerandomchannel </pre> * Display help: <pre> /help </pre> h2. Resources * *