


Support #562

Updated by Daniel Curtis about 9 years ago


 This is a simple guide for installing and configuring mod_evasive for Apache 2.4 on FreeBSD 9.2. 

 * Update the system and ports tree: 
 pkg update && pkg upgrade 
 portsnap fetch extract 

 * Install git: 
 pkg install git 


 h1. Install mod_evasive 

 * Edit the mod_evasive Makefile: 
 cd /usr/ports/www/mod_evasive 
 vi Makefile 
 #* And change the line *USE_APACHE=22* to: 
 USE_APACHE=       24 

 * Begin compilation: 
 make install clean 
 #* Currently the port will fail with output similar to the following: 
 mod_evasive20.c: In function 'access_checker': 
 mod_evasive20.c:142: error: 'conn_rec' has no member named 'remote_ip' 
 mod_evasive20.c:146: error: 'conn_rec' has no member named 'remote_ip' 
 mod_evasive20.c:158: error: 'conn_rec' has no member named 'remote_ip' 
 mod_evasive20.c:165: error: 'conn_rec' has no member named 'remote_ip' 
 mod_evasive20.c:180: error: 'conn_rec' has no member named 'remote_ip' 
 mod_evasive20.c:187: error: 'conn_rec' has no member named 'remote_ip' 
 mod_evasive20.c:208: error: 'conn_rec' has no member named 'remote_ip' 
 mod_evasive20.c:212: warning: implicit declaration of function 'getpid' 
 mod_evasive20.c:215: error: 'conn_rec' has no member named 'remote_ip' 
 mod_evasive20.c:221: error: 'conn_rec' has no member named 'remote_ip' 
 mod_evasive20.c:222: error: 'conn_rec' has no member named 'remote_ip' 
 mod_evasive20.c:228: error: 'conn_rec' has no member named 'remote_ip' 
 apxs:Error: Command failed with rc=65536 
 *** [do-build] Error code 1 

 Stop in /usr/ports/www/mod_evasive. 

 * Fix the working mod_evasive source code: 
 sed -i '' -e 's/remote_ip/client_ip/g' work/mod_evasive/mod_evasive20.c 

 * Then finish installing mod_evasive: 
 make install clean 

 * Create Edit the mod_evasive config Apache httpd.conf file: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/apache24/modules.d/010_mod_evasive.conf /usr/local/etc/apache24/httpd.conf 
 #* And add the following: 
 LoadModule evasive20_module     libexec/apache24/ 

 <IfModule evasive20_module> 
 #increases size of hash table. Good, but uses more RAM. 
 DOSHashTableSize      3097 
 #Interval, in seconds, of the page interval. 
 DOSPageInterval       1 
 #Interval, in seconds, of the site interval. 
 DOSSiteInterval       1 
 #period, in seconds, a client is blocked.    The counter is reset to 0 with every access within this interval. 
 DOSBlockingPeriod     10 
 #threshold of requests per page, per page interval.    If hit == block. 
 DOSPageCount          2 
 #threshold of requests for any object by the same ip, on the same listener, per site interval. 
 DOSSiteCount          50 
 #locking mechanism prevents repeated calls.    email can be sent when host is blocked (leverages the following by default "/bin/mail -t %s") 
 #locking mechanism prevents repeated calls.    A command can be executed when a host is blocked.    %s is the host IP. 
 #DOSSystemCommand      "su - someuser -c '/sbin/... %s ...'" 
 #DOSLogDir             "/var/lock/mod_evasive" 
 #whitelist an IP., leverage wildcards, not CIDR, like 127.0.0.* 

 * Restart apache24 to enable mod_evasive 
 service apache24 restart 

 * Now check to see that the module loaded correctly: 
 apachectl -M 
 #* _Truncated output_ 
 Loaded Modules: 
  evasive20_module (shared) 
