


Support #565

Updated by Daniel Curtis about 10 years ago

This guide is to document setting up a self-hosted HabitRPG node.  

 h2. Prepare the system 

 * Start by updating the system and ports tree: 
 pkg update && pkg upgrade 
 portsnap fetch extract 

 * Install bash: 
 pkg install bash 

 * Install git: 
 pkg install git 

 * Install and set up MongoDB 
 pkg install mongodb 
 #* Start and enable mongodb at boot: 
 echo 'mongod_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf 
 service mongod start 

 * Install and set up NodeJS, NPM, and PhantomJS: 
 pkg install node npm phantomjs 

 * Add the rpg user 
 pw add user -n rpg -m -d /usr/local/www/habitrpg -s /usr/local/bin/bash -c "HabitRPG" 

 h2. Install HabitRPG 

 * Fork the repository on your computer 
 cd /usr/local/www 
 git clone 

 * Switch to the develop branch: 
 cd habitrpg 
 git checkout develop 

 * Install grunt-cli npm package globally 
 npm install -g grunt-cli bower 

 * Install the npm and bower packages: 
 npm install 

 * Create a config file from the example one: 
 cp config.json.example config.json 

 * Edit @config.json@ with your values for:  
 *# *SMTP_USER* 
 *# *SMTP_PASS* 

 * Then seed the database with initial settings: 
 node ./website/src/seed.js 

 * Change ownership of the habitrpg directory to the rpg user: 
 chown -R rpg:rpg /usr/local/www/habitrpg 

 * Switch to the rpg user: 
 su - rpg 

 * Then run bower update: 
 bower update 

 h2. Run HabitRPG  

 * Start the web application using NPM: 
 npm start 

 h3. Autostart HabitRPG 

 * Install pm2: 
 npm install -g pm2 

 * Create pm2 FreeBSD init script: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/rc.d/pm2 
 #* and add the following 

 # PROVIDE: pm2 
 # KEYWORD: shutdown 

 . /etc/rc.subr 


 pm2_start() { 
    echo "pm2 starting" 
    su - rpg -c "/usr/local/bin/pm2 start /usr/local/www/habitrpg/website/src/server.js; start; exit"   

 pm2_stop() { 
    echo "pm2 stopping" 
    su - rpg -c "/usr/local/bin/pm2 kill; stop; exit"  

 run_rc_command "$1" 


 * And make it executable: 
 chmod +x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/pm2 

 * Start and enable pm2 at boot 
 echo 'pm2_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf 

 * Now start HabitRPG with pm2: 
 pm2 start /usr/local/www/habitrpg/website/src/server.js 

 This will start an HTTP server on port 3000, so pointing a web browser there will access the HabitRPG site 

 h2. Troubleshooting 

 I encountered a couple of errors while starting the web application. 

 h3. Failure to start grunt 

 > failed to locate @import file ../bower_components/angular-loading-bar/build/loading-bar.css Warning: Stylus failed to compile. Used --force, continuing. 

 You need to update bower and restart the command: 
 bower update 
 grunt run:dev 

 h3. bower update fails 

 > Error: EEXIST, rename '.bower-cache/ef2188def21eb1bbd1f1792311942a53/1.2.15-build.2360%2Bsha.6b18a56' 

 If you encounter this or a similar error when issuing a bower update, perform the following: 
 cd .bower-cache/ef2188def21eb1bbd1f1792311942a53/ 
 rm -rf 1.2.15-build.2360%2Bsha.6b18a56 

 The actual names of these directories may differ on your system.  

 h2. Resources 

