Feature #387
Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 10 years ago
h1. BIG SCARY WARNING!!! Permitting root logins is a *+VERY BAD IDEA+*, please +consider the security ramifications of allowing root to remotely log in+ reconsider before continuing this guide. Adding a user to the +wheel+ group or using +sudo+ is a better practice. --- Unlike many Linux distributions, FreeBSD by default disables ‘root’ login over SSH, If you do need to enable remote root logins over SSH, using key-based logins would be a good idea; the more secure way of gaining remote admin access to your server would ideally be logging in as an alternative user and then using SUDO to perform any administrative tasks. * First edit the SSH daemon configuration file: <pre> vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config </pre> * Find this line: <pre> #PermitRootLogin no </pre> * and change it to: <pre> PermitRootLogin yes </pre> Basically you should have removed the hash ‘#’ from the start of the line (uncomment the line basically) and then change ‘no’ to ‘yes’, save the file and then restart the SSH daemon like so.. <pre> service sshd restart </pre> And your done, you should now be able to login as ‘root’ over SSH on your FreeBSD server!