Support #876
Install a Python 2.7 Development Environment on Arch Linux
This is a guide for setting up a simple development environment for Python 2.7 with virtualenv on Arch Linux.
Prepare the Environment¶
- Make sure the system is up to date:
pacman -Syyuu
Install Python¶
- Install python and a few dependencies:
pacman -S python2 python2-{pip,pkgconfig,setuptools,virtualenv}
- Create a non-privileged user to develop with:
useradd -m -g users -s /bin/bash -c "Python Dev" pydev passwd pydev
Use Python2 Explicitly¶
- Switch to the python dev user:
su - pydev
- First create a bin folder in the pydev user home directory:
mkdir ~/bin
- Then add a symlink python to python2 and the config scripts in it:
ln -s /usr/bin/python2 ~/bin/python ln -s /usr/bin/python2-config ~/bin/python-config
- Finally put the new folder at the beginning of your PATH variable:
echo 'export PATH=~/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
- Exit from the pydev user session:
Create Virtualenv¶
- Switch to the python dev user:
su - pydev
- Create a new virtualenv called new_app:
virtualenv2 new_app
- Activate the new_app virtualenv to begin using it:
source ./new_app/bin/activate
- Install or develop the new_app:
pip install new_app
- When done working in the virtual environment for the moment, deactivate it:
wxPython in virtualenv¶
- Switch to the python dev user:
su - pydev
- Activate the new_app virtualenv to begin using it:
source ./new_app/bin/activate
- Install wxpython:
pip install wx
- Deactivate and reactivate new_app virtualenv to refresh libraries:
deactivate source ./new_app/bin/activate
Test wxPython in virtualenv¶
- Start an iPython session:
- And use the following code example to test windows
import wx app = wx.App(False) frame = wx.Frame(None, wx.ID_ANY, "Running from virtualenv!") frame.Show(True) app.MainLoop()
- And use the following code example to test windows
Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 8 years ago
- Subject changed from Install a Python Development Environment on Arch Linux to Install a Python 2.7 Development Environment on Arch Linux
- Description updated (diff)