Feature #676
Common PostgreSQL Commands on FreeBSD
- Table of contents
- Database Commands
- Backup/Restore Commands
- User Commands
- Resources
- Login to postgresql locally:
su - pgsql psql -d template1
- Or connect remotely:
psql -h pg.example.com -d somedb -U someuser -W
- Or connect remotely:
Database Commands¶
- Determine system tables:
select * from pg_tables where tableowner = 'postgres';
- List databases:
- Describe a table:
\d sometable
- Quit psql shell:
- Switch postgres database:
\connect someotherdb
- Show all tables:
- List all Schemas:
- Show database version:
SELECT version();
- Create a database with an owner:
CREATE DATABASE somedb OWNER someuser;
- Change database owner:
alter database somedb owner to someuser;
- Copy a database:
- View database connections:
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;
- View show data directory:
show data_directory;
- Show run-time parameters:
show all; select * from pg_settings;
Backup/Restore Commands¶
- Backup database into file:
pg_dump -W -U someuser -h pg.example.com somedb > somedb_dump.sql
- Load data into posgresql:
psql -W -U someuser -h pg.example.com -d somedb < somedb_dump.sql
- Restore postgresql dump file:
pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U myuser -d mydb latest.dump
- Restore postgresql dump file:
- To backup all databases to a file:
pg_dumpall > full-pg.sql
- And restore the dumped file to another postgresql server:
psql -f full-pg.sql
- And restore the dumped file to another postgresql server:
User Commands¶
- List all users:
- Create new user from the postgresql shell:
CREATE USER someuser WITH PASSWORD 'SuperSecretPassword';
- Or from the command line
sudo -u pgsql createuser someuser -W
- Or from the command line
- Change user password:
ALTER USER someuser WITH PASSWORD 'NewSecretPassword';
- Grant user createdb privilege:
ALTER USER someuser WITH createdb;
- Create a superuser user from the postgresql shell:
create user somesuperuser with password 'SuperSecretPassword' SUPERUSER
- or with more privileges:
create user somesuperuser with password 'SuperSecretPassword' SUPERUSER CREATEDB CREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN REPLICATION;
- or from the command line
sudo -u pgsql createuser somesuperuser -W -s
- or with more privileges:
- Upgrade an existing user to superuser:
alter user somesuperuser with superuser;
- or with more privileges
- or with more privileges
- Grant readonly privileges to all tables for someuser
grant select on all tables in schema public to someuser;
- Grant all privileges on table1, table2, and table3 to myuser
grant all privileges on table1, table2, table3 to myuser;
Updated by Daniel Curtis over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Start date changed from 10/17/2015 to 10/18/2015
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
Updated by Daniel Curtis over 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 50 to 100