Support #663
Adding CardDAV Support To Roundcube
This is a short guide on adding CardDAV support for the Roundcube address book. I intend on using owncloud to provide the CardDAV backend.
Download rcmcarddav¶
- Clone the rcmcarddav repository:
cd /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins git clone mv rcmcarddav carddav cd carddav
- Install php56-phar and php56-curl:
pkg install php56-phar
- Download composer and install the rcmcarddav dependencies
curl -sS | php php composer.phar install
- Create the initial
- Edit the plugin config file:
vi /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/carddav/
- And add the following to the bottom of the file:
$prefs['db_version'] = 2;
- And add the following to the bottom of the file:
- Remove all occurrences of TABLE_PREFIX from the dbinit sql file:
sed -i '' -e 's/TABLE_PREFIX//g' /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/carddav/dbmigrations/0000-dbinit/postgres.sql
- Initialize the database:
psql -h -U roundcubeuser -W -d roundcubedb < /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/carddav/dbmigrations/0000-dbinit/postgres.sql
- Set the ownership of the plugin to www:
chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/roundcube/plugins/carddav/
- Edit the main roundcube config file:
vi /usr/local/www/roundcube/config/
- And add carddav to the plugins section:
$config['plugins'] = array( 'archive', 'zipdownload', 'managesieve', 'password', 'carddav', );
- And add carddav to the plugins section:
- Login to Roundcube and set-up your first CardDAV address book by accessing Settings -> Settings -> CardDAV
Updated by Daniel Curtis over 9 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to In Progress
Updated by Daniel Curtis over 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 50 to 100