Bug #602
LG N2R1D Firmware Won't Upgrade Past Version 2660
I encountered a problem while upgrading the firmware for my LG N2R1D NAS. The problem being that upgrading the firmware from version 2660 to version 10094 would not work and after applying the update, the firmware was still stuck at version 2660.
I found a solution by downloading the NC1_NewUI_update_tool(10094)_eng.zip file from the LG support website# and extracting that into a Windows XP virtual machine with a bridged network interface.
Once the virtual Windows XP environment was setup I shut down the NAS and ran the LGNASDetector.exe application inside the Enclosure folder and then turned on the NAS. The LGNASDetector.exe
application detected the LG-NAS as "LG-NAS Enclosure".
When the LGNASDetector.exe
application found the LG-NAS in Enclosure mode I clicked on Install NAS system. This started the upgrade process and popped up with a couple of big scary warnings, to which I accepted.
After the upgrade finished the LG-NAS rebooted itself and was fully upgraded to the newest firmware version.
Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 50 to 100