Support #411
Arch HAM Radio Workstation Setup
As an amateur radio enthusiast I have need for a few pieces of software. This is a simple guide on setting up my Arch Linux installation with the required software needed for amateur radio usage. Currently my software load out for HAM radio includes:
- Chirp: Used to program my Baofeng UV-5R+
- GNUradio: A powerful digital signal processing application
- GPredict: Used to get a fix on amateur radio satellites
- Gqrx: Used to interface with software defined radios
- Stellarium: Not really used for radio, but great for radio astronomy
- Audacity: Used for recording and manipulating audio files
- Xastir: An open-source program that provides full-featured, client-side access to APRS.
- fl_moxgen: Moxon antenna designer
- hamsolar: Small desktop display of the current solar indices
- splat: rf signal propagation, loss, and terrain analysis
- sunclock: Useful for predicting grayline propagation paths
- xnec2c: Electromagnetic antenna modeler
- trustedqsl: QSL application for ARRL's Logbook of the World
- cty: package contains databases of entities (countries), prefixes and callsigns that are used by amateur radio logging software.
- dxcc: a small program for determining ARRL DXCC entity of a ham radio callsign
- nato: Python script to convert string into NATO alphabet representation
- hamradio-menus: Ham radio (specific) XDG-compliant menu
Prepare the environment:¶
- Update the system:
sudo pacman -Syu
- Add user bob to the tty and uucp groups for serial access:
gpasswd -a bob uucp
- For groups to take effect, the user must log out and and log back in.
Install yaourt to handle AUR packages¶
- Install yaourt
- To start, install the packages that are available from the Arch repositories:
sudo pacman -S gnuradio gqrx audacity stellarium
- Install chirp from the AUR:
yaourt chirp
- Install gpredict from the AUR
yaourt gpredict
- Install fl_moxgen from the AUR:
yaourt fl_moxgen
- Install hamsolar from the AUR:
yaourt hamsolar
- Install splat from the AUR:
yaourt splat
- Install sunclock from the AUR:
yaourt sunclock
- Install xnec2c from the AUR:
yaourt xnec2c
- Install cty from the AUR:
yaourt cty
- Install dxcc from the AUR:
yaourt dxcc
- Install nato from the AUR:
yaourt nato
- Install trustedqsl from the AUR:
yaourt trustedqsl
- Install hamradio-menus from the AUR:
yaourt hamradio-menus
Updated by Daniel Curtis over 10 years ago
- Subject changed from Arch HAM Radio User Software Load Out to Arch HAM Radio User Setup
- Description updated (diff)
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
Updated by Daniel Curtis about 10 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 70 to 100
Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 10 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Category set to Workstation
- Target version set to Arch Linux
Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 10 years ago
- Subject changed from Arch HAM Radio User Setup to Arch HAM Radio Workstation Setup
- Description updated (diff)