


Support #535

Updated by Daniel Curtis over 7 years ago


 h2. Install Prosody 

 * Install the Prosody server. Use the following command: 
 pkg install prosody openssl 

 * Enable prosody to start at boot: 
 echo 'prosody_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf 

 When pkg finishes, the Prosody server will have been successfully installed, and will be ready for configuration. Prosody provides an init script that allows you to reload the configuration file, start, stop, or restart the XMPP server. Issue one of the following commands as appropriate: 
 service prosody reload 
 service prosody start 
 service prosody stop 
 service prosody restart 

 h2. Configure Prosody Server 

 The configuration file for Prosody is located in @/usr/local/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua@, and is written in Lua syntax. 

 Note that in the Lua programing language, comments (lines that are ignored by the interpreter) are preceded by two hyphen characters (e.g. --). The default config has some basic instructions in Lua syntax, which can be helpful if you're unfamiliar with the language. 

 * To allow Prosody to provide XMPP/jabber services for more than one domain, insert a line in the following form into the configuration file. This example defines one virtual host. 
 VirtualHost "" 

 * Following a Host line there are generally a series of host-specific configuration options. If you want to set options for all hosts, add them below the "Host "*"" entry in your config file. For instance, to ensure that Prosody behaves like a proper Linux server daemon make sure that the "posix;" option is included in the "modules_enabled = { }" table. 
 modules_enabled = { 
 -- [...] 
 -- [...] 

 *NOTE*: that there should be a number of global modules included in this table to provide basic functionality. 

 * To disable a host without removing it from your configuration file, add the following line to its section of the file: 
 enabled = false 

 * To specify administrators for your server, add a line in the following format to your prosody.cfg.lua file. 
 admins = { "", "" } 

 To add server-wide administrators, add the admins line to the "Hosts "*"" section. To grant specific users more granular control to administer particular hosts, you can add an admins line, or more properly tables in Lua, to specific hosts. 

 * Specify a PID file: 
 pidfile = "" 

 Do not forget to reload the configuration for the Prosody server after making any changes to your @/usr/local/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua@ file, by issuing the following command: 
 service prosody reload 

 h2. XMPP Federation and DNS 

 To ensure that your Prosody instance will federate properly with the rest of the XMPP network, particularly with Google's "GTalk" service (i.e. the "" chat tool,) we must set the SRV records for the domain to point to the server where the Prosody instance is running. We need three records, which can be created in the DNS Management tool of your choice: 
 * Service: *_xmpp-server._tcp* *_xmpp-server* Protocol: *TCP* Port: *5269* 
 * Service: *_xmpp-client._tcp* *_xmpp-client* Protocol: *TCP* Port: *5222* 
 * Service: *_jabber._tcp* *_jabber* Protocol: *TCP* Port: *5269* 

 The "target" of the SRV record should point to the publicly routable hostname for that machine (e.g. "**"). The priority and weight should both be set to 0. 

 h2. Enabling Components 

 * In the XMPP world, many services are provided in components, which allows for greater ease of customization within a basic framework. A common example of this is the MUC or multi-user chat functionality. To enable MUC services in Prosody you need to add a line like the following to your @/usr/local/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua@ file. 
 Component "" "muc" 

 In this example, ** is the domain where the MUC rooms are located, and will require an "DNS A record," that points to the IP Address where the Prosody instance is running. MUCs will be identified as JIDs (Jabber IDs) at this hostname, so for instance the "rabbits" MUC hosted by this server would be located at **. 

 * MUC, in contrast to many other common components in the XMPP world, is provided internally by Prosody. Other components, like transports to other services, run on an external interface. Each external component has its own host name, and provides a secret key which allows the central server to authenticate to it. See the following ** component as an example. 
 Component "" 
 component_secret = "mysecretcomponentpassword" 

 *NOTE*: That external components will need to be installed and configured independently of Prosody. 

 Typically, Prosody listens for connections from components on the localhost interface (i.e. on the interface;). If you're connected to external resources that are running on an alternate interface, specify the following variables as appropriate in the "Host "*"" section of the file config file. 
 Host "*" 
 component_interface = "" 
 component_ports = { 8888, 8887 } 

 h2. Administration with prosodyctl 

 The XMPP protocol supports "in-band" registration, where users can register for accounts with your server via the XMPP interface. However, this is often an undesirable function as it doesn't permit the server administrator the ability to moderate the creation of new accounts and can lead to spam-related problems. As a result, Prosody has this functionality disabled by default. While you can enable in-band registration, we recommend using the @prosodyctl@ interface at the terminal prompt. 

 If you're familiar with the @ejabberdctl@ interface from @ejabberd@, @prosodyctl@ mimics its counterpart as much as possible. 

 * To use @prosodyctl@ to register a user, in this case _lollipop@_**, issue the following command: 
 prosodyctl adduser 

 * To set the password for this account, issue the following command and enter the password as requested: 
 prosodyctl passwd 

 * To remove this user, issue the following command: 
 prosodyctl deluser 

 * Additionally, prosodyctl can provide a report on the status of the server in response to the following command: 
 prosodyctl status 

 *NOTE*: That all of the prosodyctl commands require root privileges, unless you've logged in as the same user that Prosody runs under (not recommended). 

 h2. Securing Prosody 

 * Generate a strong SSL private key and CSR: 
 openssl req -sha512 -out -new -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout 

 * Once the SSL certificate has been created, edit /usr/local/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua and change the ssl parameters: 
 ssl = { 
         key = "/usr/local/etc/prosody/certs/"; 
         certificate = "/usr/local/etc/prosody/certs/"; 

 https_ssl = { 
         certificate = "/usr/local/etc/prosody/certs/"; 
         key = "/usr/local/etc/prosody/certs/"; 

 c2s_require_encryption = true 

 s2s_secure_auth = true 

 * Restart prosody 
 service prosody restart 

 h2. Enabling BOSH 

 * Edit @/usr/local/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua@, and add the following to the *@modules_enable@* section: 
 modules_enabled = { 
	 -- HTTP modules 
            "bosh"; -- Enable BOSH clients, aka "Jabber over HTTP" 
 #* *NOTE*: Make sure the ports *5280* and *5281* are open. 

 * Now use as the BOSH URL in the messaging client, in my case Pidgin. 

 h3. Nginx Proxy 

 * Setup the web server that serves the app script also act as a proxy to the real BOSH server at some URL: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/ 
 #* And add the following, adjusting the parameters as necessary: 
 server { 
   listen 80; 
   access_log    /var/log/nginx/; 
   error_log    /var/log/nginx/; 
   root /usr/local/www/sites/; 

   location /http-bind { 
     proxy_set_header Host $host; 
     proxy_buffering off; 
     tcp_nodelay on; 

 server { 
   listen 443 ssl; 
   access_log    /var/log/nginx/; 
   error_log    /var/log/nginx/; 
   ssl_certificate /usr/local/etc/nginx/ssl/; 
   ssl_certificate_key /usr/local/etc/nginx/ssl/; 

   # Configure Strong SSL 
   ssl_ciphers 'AES128+EECDH:AES128+EDH:!aNULL'; 
   ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2; 
   ssl_session_cache    builtin:1000    shared:SSL:10m; 
   ssl_stapling on; 
   ssl_stapling_verify on; 
   ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; 
   ssl_dhparam /usr/local/etc/nginx/dhparam.pem; 
   add_header Strict-Transport-Security max-age=63072000; 
   add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN; 
   add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff; 

   root /usr/local/www/sites/; 

   location /http-bind { 
     proxy_set_header Host $host; 
     proxy_buffering off; 
     tcp_nodelay on; 

 This will allow prosody BOSH server to transfer files using and 

 h2. Enable File Transfer Proxy 

 * Edit @/usr/local/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua@, and add the following to the *@modules_enable@* section: 
 modules_enabled = { 

 proxy65_ports = { 5000 }  

 h2. Adding 3rd Party Modules 

 * Install mercurial and rsync: 
 pkg install mercurial rsync 

 * Clone the latest 3rd party into the home folder: 
 hg clone 

 * Copy the 3rd party modules to the prosody module directory: 
 rsync -a prosody-modules/ /usr/local/lib/prosody/modules/ 

 * Edit @/usr/local/etc/prosody/prosody.cfg.lua@, and add the following to the *@modules_enable@* section: 
 modules_enabled = { 
     "log_auth"; Logs failed authentication attempts IP (for fail2ban) 

 *NOTE*: Documentation for each module can be found "here": 

 h2. Resources 

 You may wish to consult the following resources for additional information on this topic. While these are provided in the hope that they will be useful, please note that we cannot vouch for the accuracy or timeliness of externally hosted materials. 

 * "The official Prosody server website": 
 * "XMPP Standards Foundation": 
 * "XMPP Client Software": 
