


Support #637

Updated by Daniel Curtis almost 9 years ago

This is a guide for installing a Bacula Director Server on FreeBSD 9. 

 h2. Setting up the Environment 

 * Start by making sure everything is up to date: 
 pkg update && pkg upgrade 
 portsnap fetch extract 

 * Install portmaster: 
 pkg install portmaster 

 h2. Install Bacula 

 * Install the Bacula  
 portmaster sysutils/bacula-server 
 #* *NOTE*: Bacula uses PostreSQL by default, but can use MySQL or SQLite. 

 * (Optional) Install Bacula using pkg: 
 pkg install bacula-server 

 h3. Configure the Director 

 * Edit the bacula director config: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf 
 #* Update the automatically generated Director, Client, and Storage password fields. The default director config is already setup really well, my setup is stripped down from the default, but update the file to suit your needs: 
 # Default Bacula Director Configuration file 
 #    The only thing that MUST be changed is to add one or more 
 #     file or directory names in the Include directive of the 
 #     FileSet resource. 
 #    For Bacula release 7.0.5 (28 July 2014) -- freebsd 9.3-RELEASE-p16 
 #    You might also want to change the default email address 
 #     from root to your address.    See the "mail" and "operator" 
 #     directives in the Messages resource. 

 Director {    # define myself 
   Name = 
   DIRport = 9101    # where we listen for UA connections 
   QueryFile = "/usr/local/share/bacula/query.sql" 
   WorkingDirectory = "/var/db/bacula" 
   PidDirectory = "/var/run" 
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 
   Password = "SuperSecretDirectorPassword"    # Console password 
   Messages = Daemon 

 JobDefs { 
   Name = "DefaultJob" 
   Type = Backup 
   Level = Incremental 
   Client = 
   FileSet = "Full Set" 
   Schedule = "WeeklyCycle" 
   Storage = File1 
   Messages = Standard 
   Pool = File 
   SpoolAttributes = yes 
   Priority = 10 
   Write Bootstrap = "/var/db/bacula/%c.bsr" 

 # Define the main nightly save backup job 
 #     By default, this job will back up to disk in /tmp 
 Job { 
   Name = "BackupClient1" 
   JobDefs = "DefaultJob" 

 # Backup the catalog database (after the nightly save) 
 Job { 
   Name = "BackupCatalog" 
   JobDefs = "DefaultJob" 
   Level = Full 
   Schedule = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup" 
   # This creates an ASCII copy of the catalog 
   # Arguments to are: 
   # <catalog-name> 
   RunBeforeJob = "/usr/local/share/bacula/ MyCatalog" 
   # This deletes the copy of the catalog 
   RunAfterJob    = "/usr/local/share/bacula/delete_catalog_backup" 
   Write Bootstrap = "/var/db/bacula/%n.bsr" 
   Priority = 11                     # run after main backup 

 # Standard Restore template, to be changed by Console program 
 #    Only one such job is needed for all Jobs/Clients/Storage ... 
 Job { 
   Name = "RestoreFiles" 
   Type = Restore 
   FileSet="Full Set" 
   Storage = File1 
   Pool = File 
   Messages = Standard 
   Where = /tmp/bacula-restores 

 # List of files to be backed up 
 FileSet { 
   Name = "Full Set" 
   Include { 
     Options { 
       signature = MD5 
     File = /usr/local/sbin 
     File = /usr/local/etc 

 # If you backup the root directory, the following two excluded 
 #     files can be useful 
   Exclude { 
     File = /var/db/bacula 
     File = /tmp 
     File = /proc 
     File = /tmp 
     File = /sys 
     File = /.journal 
     File = /.fsck 

 # When to do the backups, full backup on first sunday of the month, 
 #    differential (i.e. incremental since full) every other sunday, 
 #    and incremental backups other days 
 Schedule { 
   Name = "WeeklyCycle" 
   Run = Full 1st sun at 23:05 
   Run = Differential 2nd-5th sun at 23:05 
   Run = Incremental mon-sat at 23:05 

 # This schedule does the catalog. It starts after the WeeklyCycle 
 Schedule { 
   Name = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup" 
   Run = Full sun-sat at 23:10 

 # This is the backup of the catalog 
 FileSet { 
   Name = "Catalog" 
   Include { 
     Options { 
       signature = MD5 
     File = "/var/db/bacula/bacula.sql" 

 # Client (File Services) to 
 Client { 
   Name = 
   Address = 
   FDPort = 9102 
   Catalog = MyCatalog 
   Password = "SuperSecretFileDaemonPassword"    # password for FileDaemon 
   File Retention = 60 days    # 60 days 
   Job Retention = 6 months    # six months 
   AutoPrune = yes             # Prune expired Jobs/Files 

 # Definition of file Virtual Autochanger device 
 Storage { 
   Name = File1 
 # Do not use "localhost" here 
   Address =    # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here 
   SDPort = 9103 
   Password = "SuperSecretStorageDaemonPassword" 
   Device = FileChgr1 
   Media Type = File1 
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10       # run up to 10 jobs a the same time 

 # Generic catalog service 
 Catalog { 
   Name = MyCatalog 
   dbname = "bacula"; dbuser = "bacula"; dbpassword = ""; DB Address = ""; DB Port = "5432";  

 # Reasonable message delivery -- send most everything to email address 
 #    and to the console 
 Messages { 
   Name = Standard 
   mailcommand = "/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r" 
   operatorcommand = "/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r" 
   mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped 
   operator = root@localhost = mount 
   console = all, !skipped, !saved 

 # WARNING! the following will create a file that you must cycle from 
 #            time to time as it will grow indefinitely. However, it will 
 #            also keep all your messages if they scroll off the console. 
   append = "/var/log/bacula.log" = all, !skipped 
   catalog = all 

 # Message delivery for daemon messages (no job). 
 Messages { 
   Name = Daemon 
   mailcommand = "/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bacula daemon message\" %r" 
   mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped 
   console = all, !skipped, !saved 
   append = "/var/log/bacula.log" = all, !skipped 

 # Default pool definition 
 Pool { 
   Name = Default 
   Pool Type = Backup 
   Recycle = yes                         # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes 
   AutoPrune = yes                       # Prune expired volumes 
   Volume Retention = 365 days           # one year 
   Maximum Volume Bytes = 50G            # Limit Volume size to something reasonable 
   Maximum Volumes = 100                 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool 

 # File Pool definition 
 Pool { 
   Name = File 
   Pool Type = Backup 
   Recycle = yes                         # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes 
   AutoPrune = yes                       # Prune expired volumes 
   Volume Retention = 365 days           # one year 
   Maximum Volume Bytes = 50G            # Limit Volume size to something reasonable 
   Maximum Volumes = 100                 # Limit number of Volumes in Pool 
   Label Format = "Vol-"                 # Auto label 

 # Scratch pool definition 
 Pool { 
   Name = Scratch 
   Pool Type = Backup 

 # Restricted console used by tray-monitor to get the status of the director 
 Console { 
   Name = 
   Password = "SuperSecretDirectorMonitorPassword" 
   CommandACL = status, .status 

 * Now edit the bacula console config: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/bacula/bconsole.conf 
 #* And make sure the password is the same as defined in the Director block of the main bacula director configuration 
 # Bacula User Agent (or Console) Configuration File 
 Director { 
   Name = 
   DIRport = 9101 
   address = 
   Password = "SuperSecretDirectorPassword" 

 * Start and enable the bacula director service at boot: 
 echo 'bacula_dir_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf 
 service bacula-dir start 

 h3. Configure the Storage Daemon: 

 * Edit the bacula storage configuration file: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf 
 #* And modify it to suit your needs. Again, mine is just stripped down from the default: 
 # Default Bacula Storage Daemon Configuration file 
 #    For Bacula release 7.0.5 (28 July 2014) -- freebsd 9.3-RELEASE-p20 
 # You may need to change the name of your tape drive 
 #     on the "Archive Device" directive in the Device 
 #     resource.    If you change the Name and/or the 
 #     "Media Type" in the Device resource, please ensure 
 #     that dird.conf has corresponding changes. 

 Storage {                               # definition of myself 
   Name = 
   SDPort = 9103                    # Director's port 
   WorkingDirectory = "/var/db/bacula" 
   Pid Directory = "/var/run" 
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 

 # List Directors who are permitted to contact Storage daemon 
 Director { 
   Name = 
   Password = "SuperSecretStorageDaemonPassword" 

 # Restricted Director, used by tray-monitor to get the 
 #     status of the storage daemon 
 Director { 
   Name = 
   Password = "SuperSecretDirectorMonitorPassword" 
   Monitor = yes 

 # Devices supported by this Storage daemon 
 # To connect, the Director's bacula-dir.conf must have the 
 #    same Name and MediaType. 

 # Define a Virtual autochanger 
 Autochanger { 
   Name = FileChgr1 
   Device = FileChgr1-Dev1 
   Changer Command = "" 
   Changer Device = /dev/null 

 Device { 
   Name = FileChgr1-Dev1 
   Media Type = File1 
   Archive Device = /tmp 
   LabelMedia = yes;                     # lets Bacula label unlabeled media 
   Random Access = Yes; 
   AutomaticMount = yes;                 # when device opened, read it 
   RemovableMedia = no; 
   AlwaysOpen = no; 
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 5 

 # Send all messages to the Director, 
 # mount messages also are sent to the email address 
 Messages { 
   Name = Standard 
   director = = all 

 * Start and enable the bacula storage daemon at boot: 
 echo 'bacula_sd_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf 
 service bacula-sd start 

 h3. Configure the File Daemon (Client) 

 * Edit the bacula file daemon configuration file: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/bacula/bacula-fd.conf 
 #* And modify the config to suit your needs. Again, mine is just stripped down from the default: 
 # Default    Bacula File Daemon Configuration file 
 #    For Bacula release 7.0.5 (28 July 2014) -- freebsd 9.3-RELEASE-p16 
 # There is not much to change here except perhaps the 
 # File daemon Name to 

 # List Directors who are permitted to contact this File daemon 
 Director { 
   Name = 
   Password = "SuperSecretFileDaemonPassword" 

 # Restricted Director, used by tray-monitor to get the 
 #     status of the file daemon 
 Director { 
   Name = 
   Password = "SuperSecretDirectorMonitorPassword" 
   Monitor = yes 

 # "Global" File daemon configuration specifications 
 FileDaemon {                            # this is me 
   Name = 
   FDport = 9102                    # where we listen for the director 
   WorkingDirectory = /var/db/bacula 
   Pid Directory = /var/run 
   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 20 
 # Plugin Directory = /usr/local/lib 

 # Send all messages except skipped files back to Director 
 Messages { 
   Name = Standard 
   director = = all, !skipped, !restored 

 * Start and enable the bacula file daemon at boot: 
 echo 'bacula_fd_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf 
 service bacula-fd start 

 h3. Configure the Database 

 * Edit the bacula director config: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/bacula/bacula-dir.conf 
 #* (Optional) Configure a remote database. I have my PostgreSQL database on a separate host, so I needed to change the database config parameter: 
 # Generic catalog service 
 Catalog { 
   Name = MyCatalog 
   dbname = "bacula"; dbuser = "bacula"; dbpassword = "SuperSecretPassword"; DB Address = ""; DB Port = "5432" 

 * Run the bacula database creation script: 
 /usr/local/share/bacula/create_bacula_database -h -W -U bacula 

 * Next run the bacula database table creation script: 
 /usr/local/share/bacula/make_bacula_tables -h -W -U bacula 

 * Then run the bacula database grant privileges script: 
 /usr/local/share/bacula/grant_bacula_privileges -h -W -U bacula 

 h2. Install Nginx 

 * Install Nginx 
 portmaster www/nginx 

 * (Optional) Install nginx using pkgng: 
 pkg install nginx 

 * Start and enable nginx at boot: 
 echo 'nginx_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf 
 service nginx start 

 * Create a configuration directory to make managing individual server blocks easier 
 mkdir /usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d 

 * Edit the main nginx config file: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf 
 #* And strip down the config file and add the include statement at the end to make it easier to handle various server blocks: 
 #user    nobody; 
 worker_processes    1; 
 error_log    /var/log/nginx-error.log; 

 events { 
   worker_connections    1024; 

 http { 
   include         mime.types; 
   default_type    application/octet-stream; 

   sendfile          on; 
   #tcp_nopush       on; 

   #keepalive_timeout    0; 
   keepalive_timeout    65; 

   #gzip    on; 

   # Load config files from the /etc/nginx/conf.d directory 
   include /usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf; 


 h3. Configure PHP-FPM 

 * Edit @/usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf@: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/php-fpm.conf 
 #* Make the following changes: 
 events.mechanism = kqueue 
 listen = /var/run/php-fpm.sock 
 listen.owner = www = www 
 listen.mode = 0666 

 * Configure the default PHP settings 
 cp /usr/local/etc/php.ini-production /usr/local/etc/php.ini 

 * Edit the PHP configuration file: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/php.ini 
 #* And set the timezone: 
 date.timezone = "America/Los_Angeles" 

 * Start and enable PHP-FPM at boot: 
 echo 'php_fpm_enable="YES"' >> /etc/rc.conf 
 service php-fpm start 

 * Restart nginx: 
 service nginx restart 

 h2. Install Bacula Web Tool 

 * Install the bacula web frontend: 
 portmaster www/bacula-web 

 * (Optional) Install Bacula Web with pkgng: 
 pkg install bacula-web 

 * Change the ownsership of the bacula-web folder to the nginx user: 
 chown -R www:www /usr/local/www/bacula-web/ 

 * Create a new bacula-web config nginx configuration file: 
 cp /usr/local/www/bacula-web/application/config/config.php.sample /usr/local/www/bacula-web/application/config/config.php 

 * Edit the new bacula-web config: 
 vi /usr/local/www/bacula-web/application/config/config.php /usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/bacula-web.conf 
 #* And change add the database settings: following: 
 // PostgreSQL bacula catalog 
 $config[0]['label'] = 'Prod Server'; 
 $config[0]['host'] = ''; 
 $config[0]['login'] = 'altbackup'; 
 $config[0]['password'] = '6l5sktZjkvAaNlG5crST'; 
 $config[0]['db_name'] = 'bacula'; 
 $config[0]['db_type'] = 'pgsql'; 
 $config[0]['db_port'] = '5432'; 

 * Create Add a bacula-web nginx configuration file: * server block*: 
 vi /usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/bacula-web.conf /usr/local/etc/nginx/conf.d/ 
 #* And add Add the following: 
 server { 
   listen         80; 
 #    server_name; 
   root           /usr/local/www/bacula-web; 
   access_log     /var/log/; 
   error_log      /var/log/; /var/log/ 

   location / { 
     index    index.php index.html index.htm; 

   # For all PHP requests, pass them on to PHP-FPM via FastCGI 
   location ~ \.php$ { 
     fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php-fpm.sock; 
     fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/local/www/bacula-web$fastcgi_script_name; 
     fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name; 
     include fastcgi_params; # include extra FCGI params 


 * Restart nginx to load the new config: 
 service nginx restart 

 h2. Resources 

